thirty- parents (CHAPTER THIRTY OMG)

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I feel like I already  talked about parents, did I? 

Anyway. We're gonna talk about 'em.

Yesterday I went to a theater class with my home school group. Kevin Sizemore from Resurrection came and taught us some acting and stuff and yeah. It was super duper awesome and he was so nice. 

My friend, let's call her A; asked if I'd sit by her so I'm like; "Yeah, sure of course" so we walk from the place where Kevin was staying to this theater in the building (it's an old old old old building called Arcadia Academy) and we file into seats and my sister sits next to A. So I'm just like; "Get up, A wants me to sit by her" (lol) and A goes; "sit over here, please. I don't want to sit by him" I sit down next to the person we'll call W and this other guy we'll call C. So it's my sister, A, Me, W and C. So C starts blabbering to me before Kevin comes in and when he does, he asks all of us to move up closer. 

So we get up, C moves to sit next to my younger brother, and W goes to sit with his mom in the back. I'm next to A. 

At lunch my dad says "You were getting friendly with W, next time I'm just going to have to sit behind you guys" like WHAT? 

1. I don't even like W. He never talks to me, I never talk to him. 

2. He literally just wanted me to guess the breed of his dog and he had to show me a photo from his phone so it's not like he wants my number.

3. ew no.

I was literally so mad.

Then my mom starts laughing and saying how I'm going to go to the Home school Prom with C. And NO. 

1. no

2. there's no such thing as a home school prom, mom 

so yeah. that was my day. 

more rants to come. xox

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