Step 22: Set Some Goals

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2019 was pretty amazing I have to say. We're currently sitting at 6.1k reads and 544 votes and I couldn't be more happy. I never thought I could inspire so many young bodyguards :')

But anyway. As you all know it's a tradition to set up some goals or resolutions for the new year.

NeW yEaR, nEw mE

It's clichè to try and 'glow up' before the new year, but since I'm already glowing and handsome I don't think that's necessary.

So I set up a list of non-physical resolutions I'd like to focus on this year:

1. Stop bullying Starflight.

Yeah y'all have noticed I like to constantly make fun of Starflight throughout this book. But he's just so easy to make fun of! And he sucks at comebacks too so it's all the more amusing. I figured this year I should try and be a little nicer to Four-eyes. Oops. 

Oh well I've got 12 months to work on that.

2. Bully Winter more.

Igloo-face however, fully deserves it. And I don't think I bully him enough. You see, unlike Starflight, Ice-Queen is actually pretty decent at comebacks so it's a little harder to get under his scales. But I'm working on it! Snow-Cone won't know what hit him.

3. Find New Pick-Up Lines

Let's be honest, I'm the king of pick up lines.

That's how all the ladies fall for me. After I throw one at them they're begging on their knees for me. It's a pretty dangerous skill.

But my pick up lines are getting kind of old and I need to find some new ones to spring on Glory.

I'm no photographer...but I can picture us together.

4. Read More.

Someone said that reading apparently approves your grammar and spelling. And if that improves, I won't have to keep paying Starflight to edit my chapters. Since he's blind... that must be really saying something.


My last resolution for 2020:

5. Fall in Love.

Actually... I think I've already completed that ;)

Happy New Year!

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