Step 2: Impress

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To get on your queen's good side, you need to get on her radar. Establishing yourself in the front of her mind is key to your future relationship.

This step might take practise, but if you're already naturally impressive like I was, it should be easy.

Impressing your Queen will not only set you up as first choice for a bodyguard but it also means she won't be able to get you out of her head and can't resist your good looks.

Now remember, you don't want to go about it seeming too desperate.

When I first met Glory as you would all know, I was totally cool and natural! I knew right that second that she would never be rid of me.

So my expert advice is that you should never act like a desperate reject when you're trying to impress a gir— Queen.

What not to do:

Anemone: Get out of my way you idiot!

Pike: But my gorgeous princess, you cannot go off alone!

Anemone: Three Moons Pike I don't need to be looked after! Now get your sorry soul out of my sight immediately!

Pike: Uh, did I mention you look super cute today?

Tip: avoid the SeaWing Princess when she is in a bad mood. Both SeaWing princesses actually.

Pike here, is an example of an unsuccessful bodyguard. Queen Coral had counted on him to protect Princess Anemone and he failed dismally. Send him a copy of my guide will you? He needs some expert help.

Anyway, to be impressive in your Queen's eyes, I have one easy tip that will assure she won't be able to resist you;


Confidence doesn't come easy to some dragons, but to others it's second nature *cough* Tsunami *cough* Blaze *cough* Icicle *cough*

If you have confidence, use it.

If you struggle a bit with finding your strut, I have some ways to help you improve! (Tested by my favourite dragons.)

1. Practise.

Qibli: *pulls faces in front of mirror*

Thorn: What exactly are you doing?

Qibli: Practising my confident face.

Thorn: Okay then.

Qibli: *lifts chin awkwardly* Rrrrghhhh.... nope. This is hopeless.

2. Show off your skills.

Peril: Turtle watch my new trick!

Peril: *twirls in a ring of fire*

Turtle: Wow Peril that's am— aaarrrggghhh!

Turtle: *cradles singed talons*

Peril: Three Moons, I am so so so sorry! Oh no not again. Ah, I'm such an idiot!

Turtle: All good. *fumbles around in pouch for magic healing rock* Whenever we hang out together I'm always prepared!

Peril: Oh phew!

Turtle: *smiles* Just please promise me you won't try that again.

3. Smile!

Winter: *twitches his lips awkwardly, exposing his teeth slightly*

Winter: Am I doing it?

Kinkajou: Uh, not quite.

Winter: *furrows his brows* Almost... *mouth slants to the side* Have I got it now?

Kinkajou: Um...? Suuuuurrrre.

I went to major lengths to impress Glory. For example, I aimed the knife at Blaze instead of her, because I didn't want such a pretty dragonet forced to put up with the SandWing's narcissism any longer. Also because I was an assassin and I couldn't disappoint my fans!

Does that sound impressive enough?

Well my natural confidence and incredible reputation must've left some mark in her complex brain because from then on she.... wanted nothing to do with me.

How did I solve this, you may ask?

Well that takes us to

Step 3: Learn To Stalk.

Deathbringer's Ultimate Guide To Being A Bodyguard ((Glorybringer!!))Where stories live. Discover now