Step 18: hAlLoWeEn

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sPoOkY sEaSoN is upon us my fellow bodyguards.

That's right , this step is all about candy- uh I mean halloween. 

Now how do we celebrate Halloween other than getting diabetes? 

We dress up.

And this year I went as Glory.

Ok ok let me explain: what else screams "I want your attention" like dressing up as your Queen? It's genius if you ask me. 

How did Glory take it? 

I'm actually not sure...  girls are confusing. I think as the halloween party went on, she got used to seeing me as her. Or maybe she had finally made the decision to send me to an insane asylum. 

She was dressed as Blister, a real life monster, if you were wondering. 

So the lesson in this is to go to drastic measures to impress your Queen on Halloween. I think next year I'll give out Glory-shaped candy.

You know what else is scary?

We're #1 in wingsoffire! Thank you so so so much my young bodyguard apprentices!

Deathbringer's Ultimate Guide To Being A Bodyguard ((Glorybringer!!))Where stories live. Discover now