Venom pooled in my mouth.

I was brought back to earth when I heard Minho gasp a tiny sound.

"Are you okay?!" I shrieked.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." He showed me his perfect palms. "I just saw the time. I was supposed to have dinner with Jessica and Angela half an hour ago."

"Oh. Do you wanna meet them?"


It felt wrong in the way where it settles in your gut and doesn't go away. Not that he was better off in my company, but him being anywhere else, where I couldn't know he was all right, made me anxious.

I started the engine and headed back toward Port Angeles. I knew the Italian place where they'd decided to meet — Felix had told me days earlier. I only realized after we were parked that it was a mistake. I should have asked Minho to give me directions, kept up the ruse. I couldn't do much except hope he hadn't noticed.

I heard Jessica and Angela's minds as they paid for their food. They stepped out the front door and onto sidewalk.

I ghosted from the driver side and opened Minho's door for him.

"Do you need help?" I asked, holding my hand out.

Minho's eyes switched between my face, my hand, my face, my hand, and he finally let me help him out of the car. He didn't let go while he closed the door. I stared at our hands, wondering why, for the first time in years, I was so happy to be alive.

He gave my coat back to me and spun in a circle a few times. He checked himself out in the car window. It wasn't that kind of glass — his eyebrows lowered as he realized. He turned to me.

"Do I look — I dunno — disheveled?"

My eyes swept over his face — his elegant eyes, lovely cheekbones, pudgy nose. Lingered at his lips for a little too long. I didn't think he noticed. I reached up and patted his hair. It was standing up, like he had been playing with balloons.

I was trying to give him a little cowlick, and my fingertips brushed his forehead. He made a sound like a purr, eyes fluttering closed.

I froze. I put my arms down and held them to my sides. When his eyes opened, he looked mortified.

"Uh, shall we?" His ears were red, poking out through his golden brown hair.

I spun around and headed down the sidewalk. Jessica and Angela were about to cross the street — Minho ran up ahead so he wouldn't lose them.

Oh, my God — Minho, they thought in unison.

"Where have you been?" Jessica asked aloud.

"I, um, got lost," Minho said.

I stopped next to him.

Christ on a bicycle, Jisung Han, Jessica choked in her mind.

"And then I ran into Jisung," Minho continued.

I tipped my head in their direction, arms behind my back.

Jessica stared at me, and Angela pouted, confused. What's he doing here? I coulda sworn he was camping.

Jessica turned to Minho again, closing her mouth. "Um, we actually ate while we were waiting, Minho. They were gonna kick us out."

"Sorry," Angela chimed in.

"That's okay," Minho said, goodnatured. "I'm not hungry."

"We parked right over there," Jessica said. "Ready to go?"

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