Chapter 19

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Warning: This chapter gets a bit handsy and steamy, but there is no detailed sex

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Warning: This chapter gets a bit handsy and steamy, but there is no detailed sex.

"What are you doing here?"

"Do you want me to leave?" I asked. I lifted an eyebrow when he didn't answer right away.

"No," he grabbed my wrist and pulled me close. He pressed his lips against mine, smiling into the kiss. "I'm glad you're here."

A familiar, blaring of a horn broke off my next question. I turned to look at the end of his drive way, where a black pick up truck full of idiots were waving impatiently. Great, his and Toni's group of friends were here.

"Going somewhere?" I asked, slightly disappointed. Of course I could have called before coming here, but I really hadn't planned anything out.

"The night club, you want to come?" He asked with an underlying twinge of hopefulness.

As much as I enjoyed a night out, I wasn't really in the mood. "I don't really--"

"Please," he pressed a chaste kiss to my lips. "Come with us. With me. I've missed you."

I hesitated.

He kissed me again. "It will be ten times more fun with you there. After, we can come back here and in the morning I'll make you breakfast."

It was hard to hold a grudge against him when he said things like this. When he made good on these promises. When he kissed me like that. "Okay."

He grinned from ear to ear, dragging me by the hand towards the truck of hollering lunatics.

"Get in loser," the driver said, then noticing me, he smirked. "Haven't seen you in a while Kay, where's Toni?"

"How the fuck should I know?" I asked sharply.

"Liam didn't tell us you would be joining, there might not be enough room." Keith said.

Liam stepped into the back, wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me onto his lap. "We fit."

Keith rolled his eyes. "I take it you two are back on again?"

"Mind your own fucking business." I said. If these people weren't so close to my best friend and Liam, I would be content never speaking with any of them ever again. Especially Keith. He's been pissy since the beginning of time, all because I wouldn't sleep with him. The guy was a jock in high school, is working in construction and has been labelled by yours truly--a prick.

Liam kept his arms wrapped securely around me. He started pressing open mouthed kisses to my neck. "I missed the shit out of you, Kay-kay."

I angled my head to give him better access. We could be in his bedroom right now. Hell, we could be in his kitchen, with me on the counter and him between my legs. But no, he thought it'd be a better idea to go to the club.

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