"It couldn't wait til later. You know how I feel about you around this shit." I scoffed. "No it couldn't wait Jayceon." She semi yelled. I looked closer at her eyes that were red and puffy. "You been crying, what happened?" I asked. "It's dad. They found him dead in his hotel room." She said. "He was gonna die soon anyway." I shrugged. "No Jayceon. He killed his self." She said making me raise a brow. "They found him with a bullet to his head and a note with your name on it." She said pulling it out of her pocket.

I was speechless. Never in a million years would I think my dad would kill his self. "I didn't read the note. But if you had something to do with i-" I cut her off. "You really fucking think I led that nigga to kill himself." I scoffed. "I don't know. But the envelope has your name on it and nobody else had one. Y'all two had the worst relationship ever." She said. "Make sure you get home safe Miya." I said ignoring the entire thing. She got back in her car driving off.

Once I got back in my office, I sat the letter on my desk just staring at it. "Yoo." Landon said walking in. "Wassup." I dapped him up as he sat in the chair in front of desk. "You look like your dog just died." He said laughing. "I don't have a dog." I said. "It was a joke." He said shaking his head. "What's that?" He said pointing at the envelope. "Nothing." I folded it up putting it in my jeans pocket. "What the fuck is popping." Josiah said walking in. "Oh hell nah." I said pulling my gun on him. "Chill bro." He laughed with his hands surrendered.

"What the fuck is you doing here?" Landon asked. "Uhh my job." He said. "You been MIA for who knows how long and you pop back up like everything cool." I said. "I was busy. Now I'm here to do my job. What the fuck is the big deal?"

"You think we forgot about what went down in the hospital nigga."

"What? DeShaun having a seizure or some shit. That wasn't my damn fault." He scoffed. "Just drop it. We got a job to handle." I walked out making my way to the loading dock. "LISTEN UP!" I yelled making all the workers stop in their tracks. "This is our biggest job yet. So if you fuck up, you gone leave unemployed, or dead." I said. "When we get there, we split up in buildings. Take out any and everybody you see. Whoever finds Narco, knock him out and bring him back here. Do not kill him, we need him alive. Lets roll!"

Everybody got in their trucks driving off. Me, Landon, and Josiah got in the truck leading all the cars to the destination.


Once we got there, I loaded up my guns. I had three of them. Two in my waistband and one strapped across my chest. "Roll out." Everybody broke out to cover this big ass house. Each entrance had at least five security guards. I used my gun with the silencer to take out four of them at the entrance I went through. I ran inside taking down two more people. I was roaming through the house hoping to find Narco ass. Narco is the nigga that killed Marquis and we still haven't tagged his ass yet.

A gunshot went off and I felt a bullet graze my arm. I turned around sending a bullet straight through his head. "Pussy. Couldn't even fucking aim." I scoffed. My arm was burning a little bit but it wasn't nothing I couldn't handle.

~Josiah POV

I hand to find Narco before anybody else could. I was apart of the plan with killing Marquis. And now I'm out for the plan with pinning down Jayceon. I need him dead or at least in jail to take over. I need Red Roses running this fucking city, and Narco was my way to do that. I need Jayceon and his gang to regain trust in me. Without trust, my plan would never work.

I was currently looking in the basement alone hoping to get Narco. Pulling on the knob to the last door I noticed it was locked unlike the other doors. I shot the lock off and the door swung open. "Well, well, well. If it isn't Narco himself." I smirked walking in. "Take one more step and I'll blow your brains out." He said aiming his gun out at me. "Oh come on now just settle down. I wanna talk to you." I said lowering my gun making him do the same.

"I got a plan. And if you want to live, I suggest you join me."


~Jacyeon POV

We had no luck finding Narco but we took down his whole team. I walked in the house seeing Maria cleaning up the kitchen. "Hello Jayceon." She smiled as I walked in. "Wassup." I sighed going to my cabinet pulling out a bottle of Hennessy. "How was everything here?" I asked taking off my jacket. "It was okay." She shrugged. "Oh my, you're bleeding." She said making me look at my arm where the bullet grazed me.

"It's nothing. I'll be fine." I said. "No. Let me help you." She said. "There's a first aid kit in the closet down the hall." I sighed. I sat down at the table still drinking out the bottle. "You're gonna have to take your shirt off for me to see it." She said. I side eyed her before taking it off. "How did this happen?" She asked as she cleaned it up. "A bullet." I said making her gasp. "You were shot?"

"Don't act like you don't know the kind of work I do." I scoffed. "I'm sorry. You're right." She laughed a little. "You know, you really look good without a shirt." She said rubbing her hands down my chest. "My girlfriend says the same thing." I said pushing her hand off. "Now you didn't have to bring her up." She said getting on top of me straddling my waist. She took my hands putting then around her waist.

"She doesn't have to know a thing." She whispered with her lips just an inch away from mine. Before I could even give in my instincts kicked in making me push her off of me. "I like it rough daddy." She said getting off the floor. "Look bitch get yo hands off me. I got a fucking girlfriend and you know that shit. Don't make me fire yo ass." I said.

"I'm so sorry. I'll um, see you tomorrow." She said grabbing her bags and walking out.

Once she left, I pulled out the letter that my dad left me. I grabbed the bottle of Hennessy off the table cause I knew I would need it.

I opened the letter up and took a sip of the drink and began reading the letter.

"If you reading this, that means I went through with the plan on killing myself. Now I need you to read this carefully. Before I go, I want to tell you something that I've been keeping from you. You have a half brother. You two know each other and if you truly did love me, you would fulfill my wish of going to hash out the beef he's been telling me about between you two. His name is Josiah."


~ashkash2 💋

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