Neither Here Nor There

Start from the beginning

Max stands up and wraps me in a hug, secure and safe. A stark contrast to the tight and suffocating hold the past still has on my subconscious. He leans back and says, "I'm sorry you had to relive that, just know that I'm here for you if you ever need me okay?"

"Uh-huh." I reply.

"Oh, by the way the school sent me an email. There aren't any classes today, which makes sense considering yesterday's events."

"Mhmm." I respond quietly, still a bit tired and drained.

"Well kiddo, I'm going to head to work. Text me if you need anything okay?"

"Yup." I look on as Max puts on his shoes and leaves. I sigh and shuffle back into my room, 'There's no point in trying to go back to sleep now. I'm kinda scared it'll just continue from where it left off.' I look down at my backpack that was tossed haphazardly to the side and decide to do my homework after a nice soak in the tub. 'A bit of self-care after such a stressful day yesterday and that dream is a must.' I gather my bubble bath supplies from under the sink in my en-suite bathroom. They're rarely used, but come in handy on days like this. I start by turning on the tub faucet, and adding a pink and purple bath bomb into the tub. Then, lighting some tea lights around the tub edges, and some larger candles in the corners. After stripping down and turning off the water at the desired depth, I delve into the warm bath I have prepared for myself. The swirls of color on the surface of the water and the slight aroma allowing me to finally attempt to relax after the ordeal from yesterday morning. 'Taking a bubble bath and focusing on what caused me to snap will probably help me redirect my focus from my nightmare.'

I heave a big sigh and reflect, images of the fight flashing through my mind as I tried to sort through my thoughts, while taking my loofah and scrubbing away the grime and residual dirt from the day before. 'Let's do a bit of a step-by-step walk through, to try to figure out what happened in the collapsed zone today. I was fighting beside Kirishima, I got a taste for what it feels like to get hit by Bakugo's quirk.' I wince at the memory, 'Note to self, at least in terms of potency of Bakugo's quirk he is not in fact all bark and no bite. Then, I saw Kirishima look alarmed at something behind me, when I turned around, there was a villain laying on the floor face covered in blood, her nose smashed. Then after the exchange between Bakugo and Kirishima I looked at my hands to discover they were covered in blood.'

I look down at my hands and scrub at the dried blood in the crevices surrounding my nails. 'So, clearly whatever caused me to lose control happened somewhere between fighting side-by-side with Kirishima and the impact from the explosion.'

I furrow my brows in concentration, and a frown forms on my lips, as I recall the events leading up to my blood-stained hands. 'That one villain, the hurtful slew of words. That's what set me off.'

I sink further down into the tub and lay still, I take a deep breath in an attempt to calm the rush of adrenaline that I spurred on when I recalled the actions of the villain leading up to my loss of control. After a few minutes of letting myself soak, I continue my thought process, 'I can't believe I was triggered into a frenzied rage. How did I let my anger get to that point?'

I stew in the tub for a bit longer and finally unplug the drain and blow out the candles on my way out. Wrapping myself in a towel, and make certain all the candles are out before leaving the bathroom. I settle for a comfortable pair of pajamas an overly sized t-shirt and some pajama shorts. I tabled the issue of my mental instability for later, right now I needed to do my homework as unenthused as I was at the idea of doing said homework. I take a break for a couple of minutes and realize I haven't eaten any breakfast. 'I guess that nightmare messed me up more than I would like to admit. I don't even feel hungry and it's around the time that I usually eat lunch.'

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