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Author's Note:

Thank you so much for giving this work a read! Quick disclaimer, for all intents and purposes MHA/BNHA are not mine they do not belong to me. The manga and anime have inspired me to write this fiction and dialogue as well as events are given credit to the beautiful people who have blessed us with this series. Aside from standard story line events this work is mine. Don't forget to comment and heart!

Please note that

*abc* is a sound effect'abc' is internal thoughts of whomever"abc" is dialogue(abc) is a side note from yours truly ;)

~Love, DragonHearte~

It couldn't have been more than an instant, but the darkness seemed to last forever. All at once, the light came rushing back and I was dropped at the mercy of the warped villain's quirk. I rolled as I hit the ground and popping up, I quickly make a shield, a large, crudely carved chunk of quartz. Standing up, I take a look around and see that I'm in a room in what I'm assuming to be the collapsed zone of the U.S.J. I call out, "Hello? Bakugo? Kirishima?"

I hear some rustling from the corner and make a quartz short-sword. I spot some slightly dirtied red hair poke up from a pile of rubble in the corner. I banish the sword and shield as I make my way towards the pile of rubble. A hand breaks through the layers of debris and I grab onto it and pull. Kirishima starts rising up from the mound with a wide smile on his face, I give another firm tug, and he falls forward a bit with enough force to knock me back a few steps.

He grabs my shoulder and says, "Thanks for the helping hand."

We both start laughing. I feel the tension from the heavy situation leave my body.


We both snap our heads in the direction of the blast, I make my sword and shield again in anticipation of an enemy, only to see an annoyed Bakugo standing on the other side of the room amidst some rocks scattered about.

I say to him slightly annoyed, "Now whatever else is in this area knows exactly where we are right?"

He stomps towards us and says, "You loud asses probably gave us away already by laughing. I'll take this side of the room, you and shitty hair can take the other."

Kirishima and I turn to the doorway and there is already a small horde villains charging towards us, and from what I can tell there are also more on their way up the stairs. Kirishima and I are fighting side by side, taking the different villains on together. After a few minutes however, the villains have managed to split us apart. I have just finished fighting one villain and notice that I have migrated to a corner. I perform a half turn to observe the scene behind me when a villain enters my field of vision. We circle around each other and then she licks her lips and says, "I got me a juicy one, she's nice and plump. Ripe for the taking."

The villain eyes me up and down, and continues, "That hero suit doesn't leave much to the imagination dollface."

I freeze for a moment my blood starting to boil as the onslaught of disgusting remarks persists during our little dance.

"Mm-m-mm. I bet you designed that suit to fit you like that on purpose, because despite wanting to be a hero there's a dirty little whore somewhere deep inside you that is screaming for attention."

That was it, I drop both my weapon and my shield to the ground and bum-rush the villain. I can't see straight, the only thing that matters is teaching this villain a lesson she'll never forget. I tackle her to the ground and start punching.

Words tumbling out of my mouth, "How dare you! You don't even know me, you're just like him. Anything and everything you see, you think belongs to you."

I have no control over the amount of force behind my blows the contact between my fists and the villain's face doesn't even register in my mind.

"That you can just say whatever you want because you have a quirk that you think is strong. Well guess what tough guy, it's not okay to sexualize me, I am only 16! You piece of shit!"

She makes a feeble attempt to protect herself from my flurry of blows. My breathing is heavy as I stop speaking, my world is silent and nothing else matters, everything else going on fades to the wayside as the face before me becomes more and more disfigured. I'm not even processing that I am the one attached to the hands inflicting the damage. The villain's face is barely even recognizable at this point.


A sharp pain in my back, and I jump off the villain, whipping around to face whatever had just hit me. I see Bakugo standing there with a villain at his feet and he says, "Watch your back dumbass."

Kirishima jogs over and says, "I think that's the last of 'em. Hey what happened to your hands? They're all bloody."

Without thinking, I respond with, "Oh, don't worry. It's not mine."

Kirishima looks at me quizzically and then looks behind me and widens his eyes. I turn around confused at what caught his attention and stare slack-jawed at the mess of a villain that's laying on the ground. Face beaten in, unrecognizable. Kirishima looks back at me and says, "What did you do?"

I'm stunned into silence when Bakugo answers for me and says, "She took them out, nothing more to it. It doesn't matter how it happened, they're no longer a problem."

"Thirteen sensei's probably struggling right about now, because we got in his way. We should probably go back and try to help, it's the manly thing to do." Kirishima says.

"You can both go ahead and do that. I'm going to beat the shit out of the warp gate guy." Bakugo declares.

"What!? You're acting like a child right now, at a time like this? We know that going after him with normal attacks didn't work the first time, why would it work now?"

"Shut the fuck up! I have a plan, okay?! Clearly this bunch of idiots are getting warped everywhere because of him. If we take him out they've got nowhere to go."

I am so absorbed in my own thoughts that I don't even notice the shifting of light and the rustling sound behind Bakugo. My eyes widen in fear, as I watch an unaccounted for villain raise a knife to him. In an instant Bakugo quickly turns around and disarms the villain in the same motion he also puts his hand to the villains' face and causes another explosion to go off, all while continuing his conversation with Kirishima.

Kirishima points out, "You're surprisingly calm right now..."

Bakugo shouts back, "I'm calm all the fucking time! What are you talking about you damned broom-head!"

Kirishima beams and says, "There it is."

"Anyways, I'm leaving." Bakugo declares starting to head towards the exit.

"Hey, you've gotta trust us. We're your pals, and we're going with you." Kirishima says while clashing his fists together while activating his hardening quirk, resulting in a clink sound.

They both leave the area that we fought in,but I stay there motionless. Looking down at my blood-stained hands. I notice quartz ridges that I don't remember making, embedded in my hand that must've been the reason why the villain's face got so cut up. 'Why did I lose control so badly?' Before I can delve too much further into the issue though I hear Kirishima call up from the stairwell, "Hey, you coming Shaffer?"

I shout, "Yep." and check myself for other injuries. I notice my top was blasted to scraps of fabric barely holding together. 'Now I'm going to be running around with no top on, in just my sports bra. Great...'

Bakugo replying immediately after, "You better not think we're gonna wait for you. We're leaving, you'll have to catch up."

I hear a sound of protest from Kirishima and then unintelligible, slightly echoed bickering. I roll my eyes and walk past the villain whose face I mangled.

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

Before I can dwell on my actions I smack my face to get myself out of my confused head-space and bound over to the exit, banishing my weapons as I pass.

Destiny? {Katsuki Bakugo x OC}Where stories live. Discover now