The pastel blue haired villain says, "Well, you've essentially neutralized our only way out. That's going to be a problem."

Bakugo shouts at the villain he has pinned beneath him, "You fucked up and in a big way too! You can only turn certain parts of yourself into that warp gate, and you're also probably using the mist as a screen to hide your physical form. I'm right aren't I?! Come to think of it, if your whole body was mist then physical attacks wouldn't work at all. But you said when we first rushed you,'That was close!' "

I think back to that instance and I don't recall the exchange, 'Bakugo was closer than the villain anticipated and he was able to hear him due to his close proximity.'

The villain beneath him starts to squirm a bit under Bakugo's hold.

Bakugo yells, "Don't move! If I think you're doing anything questionable, I swear I will not hesitate to blow you to smithereens!"

Kirishima sends a worried glance over his shoulder and says, "That's not very hero-like dude."

The villain with the hands on his torso says, "Our League of Villains should be ashamed of our inability to at least kill some of you measly students. However, you kids of the new hero generation are something else entirely. You've beaten us and managed to stay mainly unharmed. Nomu take out the explosive brat, we need our escape route back."

The giant creature that was wrestling with All Might, contorts its frostbitten body to escape and stands up. Half of its body breaking away from the chunks of ice that Todoroki had caused to form. Scrambling forward despite the carnage, the creature doesn't appear to register the missing limbs.

"How is he still moving even with missing body parts?" I mutter to myself.

All Might exclaims, "Everyone get back! This creature is very dangerous! What on earth?! I thought his quirk was shock absorption!"

The villain with the hands on his torso replies, "I don't remember saying that was all he could do. This here is Hyper-regeneration." As he says that the Nomu sprouts muscles and skin right before our eyes, rapidly regrowing the right side of his body.

"Nomu is a superpowered living sandbag designed to withstand everything you've got." The villain continues. The Nomu lurches forwards towards Bakugo in the blink of an eye, I watch in horror as the giant beast is about to make contact. Then, there is a burst of motion, too fast for the eye to track and then an explosion through the wall behind where Bakugo was.

'No!' I scream internally, as a small whimper escaping my lips and a tear sneaks out of the corner of my eye. I felt a strange tightness in my chest, almost suffocating. Then, I spot him, out of harm's way flat on his ass, by Kirishima, Todoroki, and Midoriya. It looked as though he had been there the whole time. The tension in my heart instantly released.

"Did you just dodge that Kacchan?! That was amazing!"

"Shut up Deku!"

The dust from the explosion settles, revealing All Might with his hands in a blocking position.

"That explains why he was able to dodge." says Kirishima.

"Do you not know how to hold back?! They're just kids!" All Might exclaims.

The unknown villain replies, "Just kids you say? I was just trying to protect my companion who the blonde one had threatened. That's disregarded though because he was trying to save someone else though right? It really pisses me off! Villains and heroes both use violence in order to accomplish their goals, but they're labelled as either good or evil. You're labelled as the Symbol of Peace, but you're just a tool that the government is using to control everyone. In the end we're all violent, even you. Killing you will show the world the truth!"

Destiny? {Katsuki Bakugo x OC}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora