Chapter 7

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To her luck they are keeping Merle locked up in the fore room. He haven't seen her yet and she will keep it that way as long as she can help it.

Carol decided it would be good if they picked up school work again. So now she is sitting in the middle of the cellblock with Carl and her. Right now she is teaching them survival class. What to do when you get separated, what to eat and what to stay away from.

"If you come across an dead animal in the woods. Is it safe?" She asks and Carl answers.


In contrast to him, Sam leans back in her chair with her arms crossed in front of her. Bored out of her mind.

"Hey. Samantha! This is important, pay attention." Carol says in a authoritative voice.

"Everybody and their moma know that. I found it unimportant to answer. So I didn't." She says with an aded shrug. Carl looks at her, mouth gaping.

"So you think it is not important to learn how to survive when seperated from the group?" Carol asks frowning.

"How often do I have to tell y'all folks?! I already know how to handle myself! And why do you even care?! I am not sofia, dumb bitch!" She growls, having enough of beeing treated like a oblivious little kid and all the fake caring.

Her chair falls back as she pushes up to stand and runs up to her cell. She goes to the corner and slides down the wall to sit behind her sink with her head in her hands.

"Let's continue carl." Carol says holding back her tears. Carl looks at her hesitantly and nods.

Daryl walks in with some kill.
"Looks like were gonna have some nice stew today!" he calls and Carl looks up with a smile.

"Everythin' alright here?" he asks Carol when she doesn't look up.

"Yes. Just school work. Thought we dragged it out for long enough." She says but can't hide the sniff.

"Sam said some awfull things to Carol." Carl says, sniching like always.

"Hey!" Carol says to Carl feeling it was unfair of him.

"Sam?" daryl asks confused.

"Oh, right noone told you yet. Samantha, it's the name we have her - the new girl." Carl says.

"That so?" Daryl says and looks up to the upper cells "I'll talk to her." he ads and starts to head for the stairs.

"Daryl, no. I don't think it's really nececerry. It's fine." Carol stutters.

"Wha' she say?" Daryl asks.

"Nothing much, kids beeing kids, just leave it." she says.

Looking at Carl, Daryl knows it's not ‚Nothing much' and nods to himself.

He walks into the seperated era where they are also holding Merle in.

"Whew Baby-Brother. Still Playin the housewife I see." Merle chuckles.

"Fuck off. 'for i scratch your meal for the day." Daryl says with a frown.

He puts the squirrels and bunnys he caught on the table and starts skinning and gutting them. He leaves the Rest for Beth and Carol to cut up and cook something nice.

"Don't ya think it's time to stop yer bullshit act and start being a decent human?" Daryl asks wiping his hands on a towl. Merle looks at him with a frown but Daryl can see the hurt behind it.

"I tried to kill one of these folks and the other left me on a roof to rot." he growls.

"We came back! How often I gotta tell ya?!" Daryl grits.

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