Holy Fringes

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"Holy Fringes" was my first thought. But I must of said it out loud because straight away the blonde ghosty looking boy said "Again with the fringes! I mean we have extravagant fringes so what?!" The other blonde kid reached down to help me up,
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine" I replied rather awkwardly,
"Hey your wearing a Norwest uniform? Wait are you the new girl?"
"The new girl? I think so unless there's other new kids joining a quarter of the way through grade 11"
He laughed, "Well new girl, I'm Luke Hemmings and these idiots are Michael Clifford and Calum Hood"
"I'm not Asian" were their greetings.
"I'm Charlotte France"
So I continued to walk to school with my 3 new found friends. I learnt that they are all in grade 11 as well and that they are in a band called 5 Seconds of Summer. We walked through the school gates and nervousness set in. It hit me that I was the new girl, an easy target and I didn't know where anything was or who anyone was apart from Luke, Calum and Michael. I felt a tap on my shoulder a tall brunette girl stood behind me,
"Hi I'm Aubrey Silvers"
"Charlotte France"
"Come with me, we've got to get you sorted"
"Ok?" I said but it came out as a question instead of a statement

We walked along till we hit the office where we were greeted by a middle aged lady who welcomed us with a smile
"Hello Aubrey, who have we here?"
"Hi Mrs. Flowers, this is Charlotte France she's new"
"Hello Love" Mrs Flowers Said "Here's your timetable and your locker information"
"Thank you" I said as I took the papers

Aubrey then grabbed my hand and pulled me outside into the hot Sydney air. We walked down to the locker rooms she then procceded to take my papers and read over my information.
"Ok, You Locker is number 58 and your timetable, let's see" She then yelled "Yes Oh my god your in my classes" I was relieved atleast I knew someone in my classes. Aubrey waited for me as I put my books in my locker and took out what I needed. Maths and Geography. Yuck! We then set off to find the maths room. When we reached the room, Aubrey knocked twice before opening the door and greeting the teacher. I followed her in.
"Miss Silvers why are you late?" Asked the teacher. He looked about 65 and grumpy.
"I was showing Charlotte around, She's new sir" The teacher then addressed me,
"What's your name young lady?" I replied fully aware of the 30 or so pairs of eyes on me,
"Charlotte France Sir"
"Well Miss France, I'm Mr Fields and please don't be late again"
"Yes sir"

I walked over to where Aubrey had sat down at the back with three boys. When I sat down the boys turned to look and I was relieved to see that it was just Luke, Calum and Michael.
"Hey Charlie" Luke said while Michael and Calum were play fighing. I blushed and smiled at him. Happy about the fact that he had given me a nickname even though I only met him an hour ago.
"Hey Lucas" I said back. He smiled at me before returning to work. As Mr Fields droned on about triganomatry or something difficult.. I stared at the clock wishing the lesson to end and suddenly the bell rang and amid the rush of students to get out of the class room Mr Fields was desperatley trying to write up homework that no one would do anyway. I met up with Aubrey out side and we continued to Geography. For Geography we had a young teacher called Ms. Thomas. She greeted the class and then set us work sheets to do. Aubrey and I finished the work sheets so we just spent the remainder of class talking and laughing. She told me about her family, She has 2 older brothers and her parents are both Lawyers. I told her about my Mum and my Dad, I spoke about my Dad in present tense so that she didn't give me sympathy and so that I wouldn't breakdown crying. Then the bell rung and we walked to the locker room.

While I was waiting to get to my locker becasue of the crowd of students around it Luke came up still holding his books
"Waiting?" he asked,
"Yeah, where's your locker?"
"It's over here number 59. Where's yours?" I smiled,
"It's here number 58" Luke smiled at me
"Well Howdy Neighbour" Which sent me into a fit of giggles.
After putting our books away Luke turned to me and said want to sit with us at lunch. I smiled gratefully at him
"Yes Please"

After Lunch the other 4 classes flew by and soon it was home time. I greeted Luke at the lockers
"Are you walking home" I asked
"Nah my friend Ashton is driving us home" He said then his eyes lit up and he smiled before asking
"You wanna come to band practice"
"Heck yeah" I said  "just let me text my mum"


Ashton picked us up at 4pm. We went to Michaels place and I got to know the boys alot better.
So I now know that:
- Ashton is a senior but he skipped school today
- Michael wants to dye his hair
- Michael like to be called Mike or Mikey
- Calum is scottish/Kiwi and has a sister called Malikoa
- Calum likes to be called cal
-Luke's mum is a math teacher
- Luke plays guitar
- Ashton Plays drums and like to be called Ash
- Cal Plays bass and is dating Aubrey
- and Mike plays guitar aswell.

I told them about my life:
- I sing
- my favourite bands are Blink 182, The Killers, Panic! at the disco and One Direction.
- I told them the family family story that I told Aubrey ( The version where my Dad's still alive)

They then rehearsed for a while before spliting up and going home. It turns out that Cal, Luke and I are neighbours so we walked home together. When I reached my house I bid the boys farewell before walking into the kitchen.
'Hey Mum"
"Hey Sweetheart, How was it?"
"Great! I've got 5 new friends and 2 of them are our neighbours"
"Lovely, well here's dinner eat up and hop off to bed"
"ok, Thanks Mum, Night Love you"
"Love you too baby"
and with that I took my dinner up stairs and finished before changing into my pajamas and climbing in bed with my laptop, phone and earbuds. I stalked random celebrities before finally stalking the boys band on youtube putting my head phones in and falling asleep to their covers. My last thought before I fell asleep was "Today was fantastic and Holy Fringes".

Ok Chapter 2 is done that was a lot. anyway Thank you if you read that. Your amazing.

- Mikki

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