Chapter 1

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This is gonna be loosely based off the movie blue lagoon, not everything will be accurate to movie except they get stranded and some of the intimate stuff, if you aren't familiar with the movie here's the trailer to the movie so you can have an idea of what will happen in the story!!!

Rachel was sitting on the bow of the yacht, she looked back at her mom, she couldn't believe that her mother was going to marry this guy. It's not that he was a jerk. It was his son. His name was Finn and he was spoiled rotten. He treated Rachel like she was nothing, and she had tried being nice to him but finally gave up. She knew she should be enjoying herself, I mean here she was out sailing the seas, for Spring Break and she was complaining. But oh well only 2 and a half months left of school and she would be out of there, and her mother could do what she wanted.

She rubbed the rest of her lotion on and put her head phones on, then lay back letting the sun work its magic. She closed her eyes and tried to relax, but that was easier said then done.

"Am I in your sun?" he asked.

She looked up at him and felt that feeling again, she couldn't help it. The boy was cute, and that body, well, it was perfect. But he was still an asshole.

"Actually, you are in my sun."

He moves and sits down next to her, she lays back and closes her eyes, but she can feel his hot stare traveling the length of her body.

*God she's hot, too bad she's so stuck up!* He gazes at her body from the tips of her toes all the way to her silky brown hair.

"Are you in the habit of undressing girls with your eyes?" she says to him with her eyes closed.

Finn sputters, "I wasn't looking at you!"

Rachel laughs a fake laugh, "Yeah sure."

"What about you, you think I don't notice how you stare at me?" Finn asks her.

Rachel sits up and looks at him, "I was looking at you wondering what it's going to be like to have you as a brother."

He smirks at her, "The way you look at me is not brotherly, and I have news for you, just because your mom marries my dad does not make us brother and sister. No matter how much they try to make us into some happy little family it's not ever going to be that way."

Rachel stands up and gets her ipod, "You’re right, and if you think I want this any more then you do then you’re wrong. As soon as I turn 18 I'm out of there, and the only time I'll have to see you is for so-called family functions."

Finn nods at her, "Good, as long as we understand each other."

Rachel nods and heads to her cabin down below.

That night everyone is asleep and the yacht is anchored in the water, none of them see the big storm approaching and the waves getting bigger.

Shelby wakes up because the waves are knocking the boat around. She wakes Will up.

"Will, the water is really rocky."

He gets up and puts his pants on, she throws her pants on over her pajamas as well.

"No, you stay here. I’ll be right back."

"Don't be silly, I can help, two heads are better then one."


The next day Rachel wakes up and yawns, she stretches and then goes to her little dresser and pulls out a bikini. *The one good thing about being out at sea is I don't have to decide what to wear every day.* She goes up to the top of the boat and no one is there. She looks around and realizes that they’re on a beach, the boat is up on the land.

"Mom? Will?" She goes back downstairs and looks in the galley and no one is there, she goes to her mom and Will's cabin and knocks, when no one answers she knocks again and goes in, covering her eyes.

"Mom?" She doesn't hear anything so she opens her eyes and they’re not there. She goes down the hall to Finn's room and knocks on the door but no one answers. She goes in and Finn is stretched out on the bed asleep. She goes over to him and shakes him awake.

"Hmm, what?" he says sleepily, then he notices it's her. "What are you doing in here? Get out!"

"Shut up! I'm looking for my mom, they’re not here and we’re on land."

"What are you talking about?"

"What part didn't you understand, come on and help me find them, they’re probably exploring."

"Can you get out?"


"Because I don't sleep in anything," he tells her.

Rachel blushes and goes out the door quickly.

A minute passes and Finn comes out wearing a pair of shorts and a tank top and some Tevas which he puts on. They go up the stairs and Finn looks around, "When did we get to land?" he wonders aloud.

"DAD!" he calls out loudly.

"MOM!" Rachel shouts.

Finn goes down the ladder and Rachel climbs down after him and he helps her. They look around and start walking, calling out for their parents. Finally after a half hour they decide to go back and wait. As Rachel is walking across the top of the yacht, she sees something and goes over to it.


Finn comes over to her, "What?"

He looks down where she's staring and sees blood . . .

What do you guys think so far!!!

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