Christmas Prompt ~ 2019

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You hated how Peter could lounge around outside as if it wasn't cold. You would have to bundle up in layers of jackets, scarves and jumpers while he could flit about the garden in his boxers as if it were the height of summer.

"You're outside! In this cold!" Peter said as you came outside. He was laying back in the hammock as you brought him a steaming mug of hot chocolate that Lynda sent out for him. "It must be a miracle."

"Seeing is believing, but sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can't see." You said cheerfully.

He grinned as he sat up and took the drink, watching carefully. You tried to hide that you were close to shivering. As soon as you did he laughed and motioned for you to head inside. "Don't make yourself sick, you don't have a jacket."

"You're not wearing pants!" You pointed out.

"Werewolf trick." He joked and you huffed, turning to head back inside. He was right, the cold was getting to you.

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