Halloween Prompt ~ 2019

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You could hear Peter becoming increasingly irritated. Roman had swept into the house demanded Peter take over finishing his Halloween part and vanished, in true Godfrey style, he left chaos behind him. If chaos could be described as a grumpy werewolf with a headache.

"Why couldn't he have done this himself?" Peter grumbled as he crossed someone off the list in front of him.

"He's Roman. I don't think he knows how to do anything for himself." You pointed out as you tried to tidy up the kitchen counter that was strewn with papers.

"I'm going to go and bite the next person that blows me off." He grumbled to himself as he dialed the next number. "Who needs six different caterers!" He complained, waving the list of phone numbers and names Roman had unceremoniously burdened him with. You cou;d hear a deep growl that sounded like an animal which made you pause and glance at Peter.

"Please tell me you did that for dramatic effect." You said lightheartedly as he dropped his head into his hands.

"I'm taking a break, then I'm going to tell Roman to do this crap himself." Peter sighed as he rubbed his face, stood from his stool and stretched. "He's starting to make me hate Halloween."

Peter Rumancek Imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें