Chapter 24

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Still utterly cheerless, but beta'd, so that's something...
Yeah, sorry about that...


Diana's trial went to course. Accusations were made; she pleaded guilty. At mention of Chris' name, she cried.


On Thursday, Sherlock closed his hand completely unaided. The physiotherapist grinned with enthusiasm, and Sherlock - elated as he was - grinned back.


Chris' funeral was a sombre affair, John standing by with his heels together and his back straight, in a suit that felt too big, too grown up, while he had never felt smaller.

John met Chris' mother and father. They were a lovely pair of people, John thought, and they deserved more time with their only son. There was a deep weariness in the woman's eyes as she regarded him, thanked him for everything he did for her Chris, then left.

Throughout the crushing misery, John clung to Iveta's arm for support, though he was sure he was supposed to be the giver of said support, not the receiver. He kept his head up courageously, to warn away any threatening tears.

It didn't stop them when they came.

Love is a Much More Vicious Motivator (Teenlock AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz