Chapter 15 - Return the stolen

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Mason stood in the parking lot of the Tent of Telepathy, with Will standing beside him. Mason felt a deep sadness whenever he looked at Will. Though Mason had been able to heal most of Will's wounds through magic, he still looked broken and empty. He still wasn't crying or laughing or talking. He just stood there by his master's side, not even asking what was going on. In the dark of the night, Mason waited for the person he had contacted to show up. Sure enough, they arrived. Silver dress and Sapphire brooch. Sonya first looked annoyed about being there, but her expression softened when she saw Will. "You can take him. You already have the keys to free him." Mason said, pushing Will towards her. She made two keys appear, glowing like the shackles they unlocked. "Wait...can I do it?" Mason said. Sonya looked up, and her expression softened again. She handed Mason the keys and held out Will's wrists. Will made a small noise of confusion. Mason unlocked the shackles. The light in Will's eyes returned before Sonya teleported away with him. "This is the right thing to do..." Mason told himself. Still, he felt slightly sad to part with Will, for he knew it was likely forever.

The next morning Dipper had gotten a text from Mabel telling him to go to the antique shop. He entered and looked around for her. "Miss Decode, where's Mabel?" He asked. "I don't know." She said, grinning. She sounded how one might when pretending to be impressed at a six-year-old's accomplishments that was actually really simple. "Boo!" Mabel shouted as she flipped Dipper's cape over his head from behind him. The girls started giggling, and Dipper joined them once he processed what had just happened. "Um...Miss Decode..." Mabel said, approaching the older woman. "Now that my brother is here...Why do you wear a veil?" Mabel said. Miss Decode hesitated. "Follow me, children. I should have told you earlier...But I was so afraid." Miss Decode said, leading them to the back room. "Afraid of what?" Dipper said. "Being hunted again." She said. Mason froze. It all made sense. The black hair. The pet raven. Affinity towards the color purple. Miss Decode lifted her veil. Two amethyst-purple eyes with oval pupils where revealed. "Decode is only my maiden name. My married name is Cipher, and it the surname of all my children." Miss Decode-I mean, Mrs. Cipher, said as she pulled a scrapbook of a shelf. She sat down and opened it. Inside, there were pictures of children. A boy with light purple hair and eyes. Asphodel Cipher. A boy that looked just like Will, except yellow instead of blue. Bill Cipher. A amber-haired girl with bangs that covered most of her face. Luna Cipher. And...a girl around nine or ten with dark red hair and green eyes. The girl wore an oversized tiffany blue jacket made for someone seven or eight years older than her and black sweatpants. In the picture, she was next to a younger looking Will, who had a raven perched on his shoulder. Opal. "I know where your daughter is." Mason said, his voice cutting through the stunned silence. "What?" Mrs Cipher said. "Sonya. And Will." Mason said. Mabel grabbed his hand and pulled him outside. "Wait, you told me you didn't know where Will went!" She said. "I lied. I returned him to Sonya. It was the only way to make myself feel a little less sickened when I looked in the mirror." Mason said, not meeting her gaze. "Sickened...?" Mabel said, lifting Mason's chin in a futile attempt to make him look at her, but he jerked away. "Yes! I've done horrible things to Will! We've done horrible things to Will! He had a life, a family...and I just treated him like trash...Sonya should have killed me for what I've done." Mason snapped. He stormed off and Mabel stood there, to stunned to say anything. Will probably hated him. The entire Cipher family probably hated him. Mason loved his sister dearly, but she rarely even spoke to him until the past few weeks. His grunkles didn't love him, and he had hurt Mira. His family life was a wreck. In his opinion, Sonya had made a mistake not snapping Mason's neck for what he had done.

He was going to correct it.

Dipper stood on the roof of Gleeful Manor. He looked out over the edge. In the dead of night, no one would find him until morning. He'd be dead by then. He took a step forward. Then another. Then another. "Pinetree, stop!"A voice called out. Dipper looked up. Standing a few feet away, barely visible in the darkness was Will. Dipper ran to him, hugging him tight. Will kissed him, and he kissed back. "I thought you hated me..." Dipper said. "Well, I don't. Luckily, my mother caught wind of what you were going to do. Thank you for returning me to my family." Will said. He sounded better, healthier. 

Things would improve for everyone over the next few months. Will was healing, Sonya had a place to stay after Ms.Starlight passed away, and Mabel and Dipper got closer as siblings. He even met her friend Georgina(who was half gorgon), and her beau, which turned out to be Sonya. Huh, what a coincidence.

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