Chapter 13 - Discoveries

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Mason had some trouble sleeping after the parking lot incident. It all felt overwhelming. One night, Mason woke up at around 3 AM, witching hour. He saw that his dream catcher had fallen, looking as if it had been singed nearly to ash. There was a mocking note next to it. 

Try sleeping easy now, Pinetree~, though I'm guessing you weren't already

-S. Cipher

Afterwards, he started having nightmares, most of them barely or not at all coherent. They only had a few constant, discernible, terrifying elements; Black and red blood, sapphires, and it always seemed to take place in a burned forest. Whether these dreams were Sonya's doing or the product of his own twisted mind bubbling up in his subconscious after being so stressed, Mason didn't know. He found himself speaking to Mira again after this started. He would run to one of the many reflective surfaces in his room, searching for her until he found her.

A few days later, Mabel and Dipper were in the tent of telepathy after a show. "Mabel, is something on your mind?" Dipper asked his sister. "Sonya wasn't in the audience today. Even if she doesn't like us, I know she liked our shows." Mabel said. "Hmm...maybe something came up? Like, maybe she got sick." Dipper said. "Let's go to Miss Decode. She'll make us feel a little better." Dipper said. "Cool. I know a shortcut." Mabel said, smiling. They got up to leave. They were walking on the trail Mabel had left in the woods when they saw...Sonya. Curled up in a ball, crying. No, weeping. No, she was bawling. She looked like she had been laying there in the dirt for several minutes, maybe hours. "Sonya?! What's wrong?!" Dipper said, rushing to her. She didn't answer. She just kept wailing. He noticed a newspaper crinkled up in her hand. He had to wrestle it away from her, because she was holding on for dear life. When he finally got it out of her hand, she took to holding Mabel instead. Dipper unfolded the paper, smoothed it out, and read;

Local Bartender shot dead

Local Bartender and well known soup kitchen worker, Cadenza Starlight, was shot point-blank in the forehead and died on the spot. She was closing up her bar "Cadence's Tavern" with employee Primrose "Prim" Evans when a sniper bullet came through the open window. Primrose was originally taken away by police, but was released when security footage and autopsy confirmed her story. Why anyone would want to kill this kind soul is unknown, but it is clear this was not an accident.

Dipper was in shock. She was dead... Sonya let out another loud sob. He would've thought she was absolutely pathetic in any other situation, but he felt her sadness. Mabel seemed to think the same thing, because instead of throwing Sonya off immediately, she let her cling on to her, tears spilling on her shoulder and dirt rubbing on her dress. "Sonya..." Dipper said, sitting at her side. "Sh-she's gone! She's-gone and it's-it's all my fault!" Sonya said through her sobs. "How is it your fault?" Mabel said, pulling away slightly to look at her. "She got hunted down because of me. She was shot down by the clan that killed my family and raided your house! They've been hunting the Cipher family for years! I shouldn't have stayed! I shouldn't have let her risk her life for me!" Sonya said, burying her face in Mabel's shoulder again. Mabel wiped Sonya's tears away and Dipper hugged her, and they stayed there for a few minutes before Sonya moved away and teleported elsewhere in a burst of blue fire. Mabel dusted off her dress. "Wow. Ms.Starlight is gone..." Dipper said, looking at his sister. She looked down. "Where is Sonya gonna go? She has no one! Barely any friends, and Will is her only family." She said, staring at the ground below them. 

About five hours later, Mabel and Dipper were in the living room sitting on the couch. Will was sitting on the floor slightly in front of the couch, as he wasn't allowed on the furniture. They heard footsteps up the hall. Loud, stumbling footsteps. The door flew open and Stan staggered in. The smell of booze filled Mason's nose. Will's eyes darkened. "Your home late. Again." Mabel said, her expression unimpressed. "Shut up..." Stan slurred. His eyes were glossy and red. Mason grimaced. "Dammit, Stan! You do this every night!" He snapped, standing up. "Don't talk to mee like that you lil' shiz, Imma adult." Stan slurred, standing unevenly. A light flickered. "Don't pull rank on me! You profit off of your niece and nephew and do nothing all day!" Mason said. The lights flickered again, only now there were more of them. All at the same time. Mabel looked around nervously. "Youur jest mad becuz' that little homo girl left townn!" Stan yelled. More lights flickered all at once and one light bulb burst. "Guys...something's wrong..." Mabel said, sounding uneasy. "Her name is Ruby Jaxon, you lazy jackass!" Dipper yelled, his face hot with rage. He felt a hand across his face, bruising him. Will's eyes flashed red. The room shook in a tremor. The lights went out for almost three seconds and all but one of the bulbs burst in their sockets. Mabel yelped, as the burn from the brooch's fire suddenly flared. The remaining light did come back on, but Dipper had already stormed off, yelling insults over his shoulder. He slammed his door hard.  He ran to his Mirror, which he hadn't done since he broke it. He had a large red mark on his face. It was already fading, but it still shocked him. Stan had hit Mason. But then he realized. Will had made the lights go out. Will had been angry. Mason had thought that his sister had beaten him down to much, but no. Will was a demon. He had more power than Mason and Mabel thought or knew. Dream demons are powerful from very young ages(since they're immortal, young ages are still like, 200-390 years, but still). 

About half an hour later, Mason was walking around the mansion, looking or his sister. She hadn't been in her room. He saw Will and Stan, standing in front of the door to the basement. "Your sure you saw journal 1 fall down there?" Stan said, peering down the stairs. "Yes, I'm sure." Will said. Mason was confused. Journal 1 was in his room. Stan walked down a few steps. Will grabbed a broom. "I don't see it!" Stan called up. Will closed the door and jammed the broom in the door handle. Mason covered his mouth to muffle his gasp. Will just stood there with a poker face.

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