Chapter 14 - Bruises and Jackets and Bites

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Will walked away from the door, muttering. "That'll teach him for now...Just a few hours." Will said to himself. For a second, Mason was in shock and slightly scared. But it quickly faded. Will had only hurt Stan because he had hurt the twins. He felt...satisfied. Happy, even. He heard Stan banging on the door. He walked back to his room. He saw Mabel in the hall...sneaking in through the window? "Dipper?! What are you doing up this late?!" Mabel said, landing on her feet. "What are you doing? And- what are you wearing?" Dipper said, looking at her attire. She had a steel blue dress down to her knees and eye shadow like she was gong out, and she had a leather jacket pulled over her shoulders. "Erm...this is mine...It's new..." She stuttered, before hurrying away to her room. 'Well that was a total lie.' Mason thought. The jacket was about half a size bigger than Mabel's shirt size and clearly meant for someone else. Was it possible Mabel had a beau? Mason couldn't stop entertaining the idea as he walked back to his room. At around midnight Mabel left her room to go to the library because she couldn't sleep. While she was gone, Mason gave in to his curiosity and entered her room. Mabel's room was always clean, organized. The leather jacket was laying on the bed. Mason turned it over to see if it had any tags. It did, in sharpie on some white fabric sown to the inside. The initials "S. M. C." were written on it. 'Well, now I know. It is definitely not hers.' Mason thought, hurrying out of the room.

The next morning, while Mabel was still asleep, Dipper was standing just outside the gates of gleeful manor. Dipper breathed in the fog that had come after the midnight rain. The day was dark and murky. He saw Gideon walking by. "Hey Mason." Gideon said, but when he turned, Dipper jumped back as he got a clear look at his face. He had a black eye and dark, purple bruises along his jaw and his lip was bloody. "Dude, what happened to you?" Mason said, pulling Gideon towards him. "I um...I fell down the stairs..." Gideon said, not meeting his gaze. "You don't have stairs..." Mason said. Gideon hesitated, like he was about to say something, but he ran away. Mason tried to pull him back by his sweater collar, but all that did was briefly expose more bruises on his shoulder before Gideon slapped Mason's hand away and ran faster. Gideon had appeared like this a few times before, though only once because of bullies and it was never this bad. He knew something had happened to Gideon, and he was gonna prove it. But he didn't run after him. He knew to find out what happened, it would take time. He needed help. It took a half hour, but he found her. "Mason? What do you want?" Pacifica asked, clearly not pleased to see him. "Do you know what happened to Gideon?" He said, approaching her. "What? Is something wrong? And...why do you care?" Pacifica asked, getting defensive again. "I saw Gideon earlier...he had bruises all over his face." He said. She gasped. He nodded slowly. "He won't tell me why, so we probably have to get the police involved." Mason said. "I have an idea. We'll pretend we don't see the bruises, and tomorrow I'll invite you both over for a sleepover. We can photograph the bruises while he's asleep, and send them to the police station with a note for some context. They won't be able to ignore photos of a badly beaten child." Pacifica said. "Your allowed to have boys in your room?" Mason said, earning him a glare. "What?" "You know what you did." Pacifica said, walking away. Sonya strolled by, singing that creepy tune about sunken eyes once more. 'She's been doing that a lot lately...' Mason thought.

About two hours later, Dipper returned home. He entered the library to try and find Will, but he heard two voices from within. "Mabel I...I want to hate you, but I can't bring myself to." A voice said. It was familiar, but Mason couldn't put figure it out. And they sounded pained. "I would hate me too, after what I've done to your family. You can take your jacket back..." Mabel said, followed by the shuffling of leather. "Keep it. I don't need it." The voice said. Dipper froze. Who was Mabel talking to? Her beau. But why would he want to hate her? Why would she agree? What did she do? Mason crept out of the room quietly. He had to find out who this person was. He needed to find out. But first he had to do something else.

 "Will? Will? Where are you-" Mason stopped when he saw Will, bruised and bloody, sitting and staring at the wall. "Will? Will, what happened?" Mason said. Then he realized. Stan! Stan had done this. His blood boiled. "Will? Will, answer me-" He said, turning Will's shoulder. Will's colors looked faded. He looked so tired and beaten down. Like he was dead. Still breathing but gone. Heart still beating but no longer with a purpose. He wasn't even crying. He just had a blank, empty stare. Dipper hadn't noticed before how sunken Will's eyes were. It turned his blood to ice. The full weight of  the atrocious things he had done to Will hit him like a sledgehammer to the head. He realised what had happened. Sonya had once told him that a demon's emotional well being was connected to their magic, their spirit. The last of Will's hope had been snuffed out. Dipper took a step back. Then another. Then another. Then he sprinted away.

Mason sat in his room, outraged. He was disgusted with Stan, but he was even more disgusted with himself. Sickened. Repulsed. Revolted. He hated himself for what he'd done. He felt like he couldn't contain his rage, like it was bigger than his body, his being. If he hadn't taken Will as a servant, this never would have happened. He had to make it better. Fix it. Make it right again. He got out his phone.

 He got out his phone

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