10. The little things

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Flynn had already been going on for ten straight minutes and all I could do was attempt fruitlessly to explain the situation. He was infuriated. Though honestly the amount of anger he was expressing didn't surprise me at all, whenever he was mad, this was how mad he got, not matter the reason. I just sat there and waited with little Nexus, who by the way was much more startled by the outburst than I was, in my arms. Optimus tried the best he could to calm Flynn down, slightly uneasy given that the man was chucking random tools and other equipment around the room.

He didn't throw stuff often, if anything that is what worried me, though it was just one of his more overblown tantrums.

Sometimes it felt like he was a brother more than an uncle; the struggle was very real.

Optimus looked at me quite worriedly and sat back down on the berth, exasperated. I sigh and try to calm down the quivering Nexus who sat in my lap "Yep, that's Flynn... though I guess he could have reacted a lot worse..."

The Prime looked in my direction and his worried expression grew deeper "this isn't his worst?"

I shrugged and looked down at Flynn "If there is worse I haven't seen it, though I doubt even a Decepticon could withstand such cringeworthy behaviour."

Optimus seemed to nervously shift his gaze back to Flynn, further analyzing his acts of rage. I was almost amused by how such a big thing could be put off by something so insignificant as a human.

"Nervous are we?"

Optimus' attention snapped back to me, and I offered a slight smile, awaiting a response if my inquiry prompted any, though I wouldn't be too surprised if the Prime simply left me hanging.

"I'm just worried that he might harm himself in his rage."

This caught my attention, I still wasn't used to the whole 'titans caring for humans' gig, though it convinced me that he wasn't some two faced jackal that would leave us hanging if we got in a tight situation. I acknowledged him fondly as his gaze drifted back to Flynn, avoiding the silence that fell between us.

"You really do care, don't you?" I finally asked with a tone of awe.

Optimus nodded once, his optics still locked on Flynn as he seemed to calm down, I could sense the relief in Optimus' attitude.

"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings," he said simply, tiredly, releasing a vent as he let his shoulders droop, an odd change in posture given I've only seen him hold them with pride "I will not rest until the freedom of all creatures in this universe is ensured."

I was taken aback by the words Optimus spoke, amazed by the sincerity laced within them and the wisdom encased by their volume.

I wanted to respond, but I was too windswept for words, so I looked back to Flynn who was balancing himself on his knee's and breathing heavily.

I watched in silence, trying to ignore Nexus as he shifted awkwardly within my jacket, poking his head in and out to see if the cost was clear.

"Flynn, I didn't physically have a baby... I just sort of, I guess adopted one."

My uncle looked up with tired and weary blue eyes, the small balls of sweat that gathered on his head glimmered in the light. His brows were furrowed, threatening to break out into another violent fit, but I doubted he had enough energy to do such a thing.

"Where is the damned thing then... Ana."

At that moment Nexus popped his head out of my jacket more completely and chirped happily at Flynn, seeming to have forgotten about the violence that took place not long ago. He had the attention span of a young child.

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