Chapter 2

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Taehyung woke up in the morning with a bad headache and a bit of dizziness.

Tae: Kookie!!! Can you get me some water??

Tae: Kookie!!!

Just then he remembered.. "Oh right.. he isn't here anymore..He left me for good"
He kept staring at the ceiling. He didn't know what to do. He was all alone..
"How do I live without you Kookie.."

Tae's phone rang and he picked it up..

Tae: Jin hyung

Jin: How's you doing now?

Tae: I'm okay..

Jin: if you say so..take some rest today..  
  you don't need to come to the office..

Tae: No hyung..I'll come.. I can't rest here anyways.

Jin: Are you sure?

Tae: yes..

Jin: okay then..

Jin was not only Tae's good friend. He was also his boss.. He is the ceo of the company Tae works for..

Tae got up from the bed and took a shower..He then went downstairs, drank  water and a medicine to cure his headache. 

In the office~

Jin: hey tae..are you feeling good?

Tae: Mhmm.I'm okay..just a bit                nauseous

Jin: Did you eat your breakfast?

Tae: No.. I didn't feel like eating..

Jin: let's go and eat first

Tae: Hyung I'm fine.. I'll just have lunch later..

Jin: Nope..Breakfast is important.

Jin grabbed his wrist and took him to the cafeteria..

Jin: Tae!! I know it's hard but try to move on..

Tae: I can't whole existence revolves around him..every minute, every second I think of him..I'm too deep in love with him..there's no way out

*Tae lowered his head placing it on the table*

Jin: Tae!!

Rest of the day went quite boring for Taehyung..He tried his best to keep himself busy in work but it wasn't working at all.. He kept checking his phone expecting Jungkook to call him..but there was no call or msg from Jungkook..

In the evening ~

Tae: Hyung, wanna go to the club?

Jin: I'm sorry Tae. I can't today.

Tae: oh..that's okay..I'll go by myself

Jin: Are you sure? I don't think you should go..just forget him.

Tae: I can't..*sighs* I'll go meet this guy who is way better than me for Jungkook.

Jin:*sighs* You are just going to hurt yourself Tae!!

Tae:*smiles sadly* I'll be going then..

Jin: Fine..but give me a call if you are in trouble or if you get wasted..alright??

Tae: Sure, mommy *grins*
Jin: You lil brat!!!

With that Tae left his office and went back home..

He went straight to the kitchen and drank some water.. a can of banana milk attracted his attention..

It reminded him of...

He felt heavy in his heart..He clenched his shirt and bit his lips..

I miss much.. damn..


2 hours later~

Jungkook was as usual working hard making drinks for customers. He saw Taehyung coming towards him sitting down on one of the seats in front of him.. He looked tired.. His eyes were puffy.."Did he cry?" Thought Jungkook..

Tae: Gimme something that'd make me forget all about my miserable life..

Jk:*sighs* Tae..

Tae: So where's your Oh so better than me boyfriend??

Jk: he'll be here in a few minutes
*He said placing a drink in front of Tae which he finished almost immediately*

Tae: This is not a strong drink.. gimme something strong!!!

Jk: It's not good for you Tae..

Tae: Are you my boyfriend?? No,  right?
Are you my doctor?? No?? Then Why the fuck do you pretend to care about my health?? Can you stop it FOR GOD'S SAKE??

???: Stop yelling at my boyfriend, Mr.

Tae looked to his side and found a beautiful man glaring at him.. "So this is him?" The man hugged Jungkook and wiped his tears making Tae grit his teeth and look away in frustration.. The man sat down next to him after soothing Jungkook..He turned towards Tae facing him

???: I'm sorry about earlier..You see my boyfriend here is too kind and caring for the world.. But the world doesn't appreciate his kindness.. Anyways.. I'm Park Jimin...Jungkook's boyfriend

He extended his hand for a handshake but Tae didn't take it. He rolled his eyes..

Tae: Yeah so kind and caring that he didn't even think twice before breaking someone's heart into pieces..

Jk: Tae!!!

Tae: What's the point in being so caring about my health when you left me alone to die.. Just kill me already.. I can't take it anymore

He said in a calm soft tone..tears flowing down his cheeks..

Jk: Tae!! Please don't say that.. please just move on and live well.. please.

Jungkook started sobbing.. He was trying his best to hide his face with his sleeves while crying..Tae felt bad.. He was about to hug him but... Jimin quickly went behind the counter and hugged him..

Jimin: Hey.. please don't cry..

Jimin glared at Tae still hugging Jungkook

Jimin: Stop.hurting.him... stop saying those hurtful things when you know nothing.. What you are going through is not easy.. But Jungkook is going through far worse.. Don't make it harder for him

JK: Hyung!!! Stop..

Tae saw Jungkook clenching on Jimin's shirt asking him to stop..He couldn't process Jimin's words.. All he was thinking about was Jungkook being in someone else's embrace..It was hurting him a lot.. He started drinking to keep his mind off from them..

But that was just a futile effort....

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