Chapter Six

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Chapter Six: Excursion

Nearly two days passed by before I was beginning to feel better

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Nearly two days passed by before I was beginning to feel better. It was a painful two days, but I could hardly remember it, as I was mostly in and out of consciousness. And every night, I had more strange dreams about the man and woman who had appeared in my first. So of course, Erasmus was there every night to hold me as I cried or if my temperature got too high or if I needed some broth. Surprisingly, I found he had a soft side at times. But unfortunately, he was still a dick.

"Come on, Kitti. Hurry up and get dressed. It's about time we head to Greymouth." Erasmus tossed a pile of clothes at me, easily waking me up. I sat up and yawned a bit, peeking out the window to see the sun just above the horizon.

I sighed and pushed out of the bed. My temperature was nearly back to normal at that point and my muscles only ached just slightly. I picked up the clothes and looked at them. It was a light grey woolen bodice and a deep blue skirt of the same material that would surely reach my ankles Both seemed very itchy. I was also given a white linen shift with just a tie to hold it over my shoulders and a pair of thick white knitted hose. It looked like it would be warm enough.

My eyes then traveled to Erasmus, giving him a look that said: "get out." He simply shrugged and left the room, shutting the door behind him. And with that, I quickly threw on the items, one item at a time. Only seconds later, he came back in with a pair of black boots and the coat Heitor had given me on the night when we first met. He set them on the bed, allowing me to put them on as well.

Once I was completely dressed, Erasmus' eyes glided over me. He slowly shook his head a bit and frowned.

"I feel like these clothes do not suit you... I feel like you're designed to wear something more... whimsical." He sighed before he put a hand against my cheek. He had done it several times the past few days when checking my temperature, but somehow my cheeks still flared with a soft pink blush.

The redness of his eyes ran over my face a few times, surely picking up on my embarrassed response. I stared into them for a few seconds before something in them changed. Infatuation? Blinking, he pulled his hand back with a shake of his head.

"Your temperature is down, but these clothes will keep you warm so you don't get sick again." He tugged at her sleeve a bit.

Then his hand dragged up to her shoulder then to her neck. It landed on the chain, his hand gripping it and easily snapping it off. It dropped to the floor with a clanging sound of the links hitting each other as well as the ground. My eyes dropped to them. Then they raised again to Erasmus.

"Do not try to run, Little Kitti." He pat my head before opening the door to the room. "Come along now."

Obediently, I shuffled out into the main room where I saw the elder couple waiting. Mr. and Mrs. Mavearas. I hadn't spoken to them much, but it was better than being all alone with Erasmus. For some reason, the thought of it made me feel certain anxiety in my stomach. Mrs. Mavearas offered me a small smile, while her husband kept a neutral look on his face.

"Goodbye, Miss Kitti. Stay safe and make sure to take good care of our Alpha." She chimed as I stopped in front of her on my way to the door.

"Thank you for your help. I wish you well." I dipped my head and offered her a small smile. "I feel like I will miss you when we're gone."

"Don't worry, I am sure Alpha Erasmus will let you visit us again." She chuckled.

"We should go now, Kitti." Erasmus softly hummed to me as he placed his large hand on the small of my back, leading me out the door.

A burst of cold wind hit my face as we stepped out into the harsh winter weather. I wasn't worried like before however. I welcomed the fresh air, breathing it in deeply. The wind, however, didn't get passed the several layers I wore. I was thankful for the clothing even if it wasn't all that pleasant against the skin.

My eyes ran to Erasmus who had stripped of his clothing. I swiftly shut my eyes, my cheeks heating up. But I finally opened them again when I heard the popping of bones. Again, I was greeted by a massive black wolf with glowing red eyes. It looked at me with its fierce eyes before kneeling in the snow. I hurriedly climbed onto its back, my hands sinking into its thick layers of fur. Once he knew I was on securely, he began to gallop away from the cabin, back into the forest.

Trees passed us in a blur of greys and browns as we weaved through them. Blinking, I felt tears slip from my eyes due to the speed we were going, as well as my hair fluttering in the wind. I pushed my face into the fur blacker than night, feeling on my cheeks the heat that radiated from it. Almost subconsciously, I let my whole body sink against the warmth that was the wolf and his fur. Even through the layers of clothing, I could feel his presence. I welcomed it noticing the effect it had on me, despite I had a feeling it would mean I was in a way accepting our supposed mate bond.

I found it somewhat difficult to believe, but it was somewhat clear to me that I had a certain impact on him and he had a certain impression on me. I gripped his fur in my pale, small hands, just feeling the sensation of every hair beneath my fingertips. When I pressed them in further, I could feel his heart breathing in his chest. It was beating faster than I expected, but secretly knew it was because of the running he was doing. And even though I was doing nothing really, my heart began to match his pace.

A low growl rumbled through him, sending a shiver through my body. I whined and sat up slowly to looked up to see more wolves. There were four of them, but they were all noticeably smaller than Erasmus. Another growl escaped him as his body tensed up beneath me. I knew something was off, causing anxiety to fill my stomach as I had drunken too much water. By now the group had turned to us, their ears swiveling back and their muzzles shifting to show sharp fangs. I felt a lump in my throat as I leaned closer to Erasmus.

"Erasmus..." I whispered.

His eyes flashed to me, worry in his red pools of cover. He looked at the wolves and skidded to a halt in the white snow. He turned his head to me, nudging my arm and gently pulling at my clothing. Understanding a bit, I dropped down into the snow with a crunch.

The wolves stood nearly 100 feet away from us, all of them snarling and growling. One wolf, that had a striking dusty orange pelt, laid its eyes on me and drew its ears back and tilted its head like a confused puppy. It looked to its companions before at me again. One of its companions snapped at it, causing it to fearfully shrink back a bit with a look of submission.

Erasmus slipped in front of me, arching his neck and positioning in a way that appeared bigger and more intimidating as if he wasn't already. A growl vibrated through him into the air, followed by a ferocious gnarl as a warning. However, the wolves did nothing that signaled retreat. I sucked in the cold breath and held it. It would mean there would be a fight. Slowly, the wolves began to circle us, except the ginger one who shrank back even more with a whimper. The black wolf guarding me shifted a bit, into an attacking position, his muscles tensing beneath his thick fur.

Then, he launched forward, his fangs and claws ready to kill.

Then, he launched forward, his fangs and claws ready to kill

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MERRT CHRISTMAS (and happy holidays of course!)

Thank you for reading. So here is a new chapter. ♡

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