Chapter Three

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Chapter Three: Kitti

Chapter Three: Kitti

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"Alpha Erasmus...? Alpha..." I sat quietly processing for a few moments.

Now, I had the opportunity to evaluate this man. He had pitch-black hair, shaved around the sides and pulled back and tied by a leather strip, his skin tanned from being in the sun, a five o'clock shadow, accentuating his jawline. And of course, he was huge, built like a bear. And his skin, from what I could see, was littered with scars. It was quite intimating really.

Alpha, as in a leader of wolves. Jeez, what in the world. No wonder he's so scary. And what is with the "mate" talk. They seem more human than wolf to me... so why are they talking about these things like they're animals.

"And... Mate?... As in?.." I slowly tilted my head to the side.

"Right... You're not one of us. I assume you don't quite feel the same way I do because you don't have a wolf that instinctively craves me. Well... I do."

Red eyes narrowed in on me as he spoke, a certain meaning behind his words that made me feel a knot in my gut.

"Just like most animals, we find mates... But it's different for us. The moon goddess finds our pairs... and when we meet them, we can't live our lives without them. We're completely  enamored." The man that had been to the side spoke up, explaining it much better than Erasmus.

"Thank you, Heitor..." Erasmus said with a roll of his eyes, turning the man who just shrugs.

"The poor girl is ready so confused and scared already. Give her a break... Plus, I'm cold. And I'm sure as hell that she's cold too. Your mate is probably already sick."

Erasmus looked at him, then me. He nodded a bit. "You're right." Come on now, Mate... We should probably get you somewhere you can be warm."

And with that Erasmus turned on his heel, still holding onto the chain. I had no choice but to follow. As I got close to the opening in the tent, Heitor stepped in front of me.

"You may want to shut your eyes... I will guide you." He advised. It took me a second, but I knew why. All the wolves had fought. And I assumed it would be gruesome.

Nodding, I shut my eyes, grabbing hold of the arm he offered to me. Again, my feet were dipped into the cold, but I only took a few steps before I was lifted off the ground. I opened my eyes quickly to see that I was being put on top of the biggest wolf I had seen in the last few hours. It was pitch black, yet its eyes glowed red. I didn't even have to ask, I knew it was Erasmus, still holding the chain in his teeth.

"Hold on tight..." Heitor warned me before Erasmus took off running through the snow.

The wind slapped my face, forcing me to lower my face into the black fur that held onto. Surprisingly, despite how much of a seemly cold person he was, Erasmus radiated heat, which was the nicest feeling I'd felt in all of this miserable day.

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