5 - Christmas Day

Start from the beginning

Elsa sighed and mumbled, "I suppose it has been a while since I had a restful sleep. Could I also ask why you're still here, Maren? I thought you left with your brother?"

The tanned girl glanced at Anna before replying. "Oh yeah, Anna said that I could stay if I wanted to, and since I didn't have many duties to do today, I decided why not keep you company." A small smirk etched on the shorter girls lips as she saw the heavy amount blush appearing on Elsa's face. The Northuldra people had their winter day today, but in all honesty Honeymaren wanted to spend time with Elsa and see what their 'Christmas' was all about.

"O-Oh, thank you Honey, I'll meet all of you in the ball room to open presents, just let me change."

Anna smiled brightly at her sister and her awkwardness and nodded, dragging Honeymaren out of the room to let Elsa change in privacy. Once her bedroom door was completely shut, Elsa shuffled over to her closet and browsed around the hung clothing, stopping and grabbing her familiar but elegant snowy white dress and undergarments.

The blonde slipped off her comfy Northuldran clothes and folded them neatly, leaving them on top of her bed. She would collect it later, but it was time for presents first. Making her way over to the mirror, Elsa then saw how truely messy she looked and had to refrain from wincing. The only person who had ever really seen her like this apart from her parents was Anna, she never let anyone see her look messy. With a final glance at herself, the Fifth Spirit grabbed a medium sized box from under her parents old bed and carefully placed it on her bedside table, fixing the sparkly yellow bow on top of it. No one knew of this present, and Elsa could only pray the person receiving it would like it.

Outside of Elsa's room and in the long and dragging hallways of the castle, Anna and Honeymaren were walking back to the ball room in a comfortable silence, before Anna suddenly had a genuine question to ask.

"Hey Honeymaren, did you by any chance get Elsa a present?" The red headed girl had her hands clasped behind her, resting against her lower back patiently.

"I did actually, yes. I bought her something yesterday, in one of the Arendelle... carving things? I actually don't know what it was called, but I got her this." Honeymaren carefully took a small, dark blue box from inside her fur coat, smiling at just the thought of giving her friend a present.

The tan girl slowly flipped open the small box, to reveal a gorgeous necklace accompanied with half of a snowflake.

"There's only half of a snowflake?" Anna queried with a confused tone.

"I have the other half." Honeymaren gushed, stretching out her collar so Anna could visibly see the other half of the silver coloured necklace. The actual snowflake was an almost bright white colour, making it shine and stand out in the Northuldran's clothing.

Anna's eyes widened as she squealed with excitement. "Okay, that is ridiculously cute. How did you afford that?"

"The blacksmith said I could have it for free, as she said she saw that I was Elsa's friend and new around here." Honeymaren smiled. The people here were very kind, well most. The local journalist named Wael, seemed to constantly attack Anna and Elsa with questions about duties, even when Elsa had stepped down from her royal title as queen. Anna knew he meant no harm however.

The redhead smiled as she immediately knew who would've done that. It would've been Tuva and her wife, they were kind hearted souls, and great blacksmiths.

As they approached the ball room, Honeymaren was once again overwhelmed by the beautiful and stretching decorations that strung around the room. A huge, real tree, stood tall in the corner of the room, it must've been at least twenty feet tall and ten feet wide, decorated with dozens upon dozens of rows of tinsel wrapped around it neatly.

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