"I know you listened, but that's not what I mean. Listening with your ears is good, but you need to actually listen with your heart... that sounded so weird once said out loud." I remained silent as the person spoke. I understand what they meant, but everything just bounced off after a few seconds. I could only maintain focus for so long, and seeing as my mind has been spaced out for so long... I've become unaccustomed to focusing.

Everything around us was still shrouded in thick darkness, but they continued guiding me with somewhat gentle shoves forward or to the sides. Their hands didn't let go of my back or my arms even for a second serving as an extra layer of protection and anticipation in case I begin falling.

We continued walking for a few more minutes until the person stopped and, with a sigh, began speaking. Immediately, I thought they were about to proclaim their annoyance with my silence, but that wasn't the case. "You know... it's funny to see how you're mind is organized. Gives me a weird sense of nostalgia... like being in an old bookstore combined with a music store." Their voice became extraordinarily lively and giddy as they tried to lighten the mood by explaining to me what they saw in my not so organised mind. They even managed to make me crack a smile with one of their first thoughts: "Oh, look, headphones in a toilet... how convenient." Reminding me of some of the headphones that I somehow managed to drown in a toilet. Don't ask... it's unexplainable.

But, of course, like every moment, this one was short-lived as they abruptly stopped talking, and the environment around me changed. The darkness around me shifted ever so slowly as voices erupted from it.

"Things are never going back to normal... are they?"

"Don't think so..."

"Gah! Dude! The fu-"

"You're too young to swear!"

"I'm fifteen!"

"Too young!"


The familiar sound of two people jokingly bickering surrounded me, causing my senses to perk up as I tried to identify where I've heard this before.

"How'd you sneak out?"

"I opened the door and walked out, duh."

'This conversation sounds familiar...' Not even a moment later, a scene began to play out in front of me as all the colours took shape. The event... surprised me as it was one that took place only a few days before we ran away... from Star...

Laughing loudly, Virgil hopped onto the other side of the window seal and answered. "Well, obviously you'd leave through the door, but how'd you sneak past security, and after-hours too?" Shushing his noisy question, I smiled.

"I was quiet. Something that you obviously aren't."

Faking a hurt expression, he placed his hand over his heart dramatically. "Oh, ouch. That one hit deep." His dramatic answer made me put my hands over my mouth so that I wouldn't laugh loudly and draw attention to the waiting room we sat in. "So... why'd you sneak out anyway?"

"Needed fresh air. You?"

"I heard you and thought I'd see if everything was fine."

"Oh, thanks," I remembered how awkward I got after that, thanks. I ended up shifting my gaze from him to the starry sky.

The awkward silence that followed was extraordinarily uncomfortable, prompting me to cringe inwardly.

As a way to try and lighten the mood, Virgil spoke. "You're good at writing, aren't you?"

"I mean, I guess so... why?"

With a loud groan, he dropped his head onto his hands. "This is going to sound so cheesy... or stupid..."

His answer piqued my curiosity, and with my brows furrowed and a taunting smile on my face, I looked at him. "What?"

Sighing, Virgil stopped his playful drama as his face became serious. "You know, how you told me that you had never met your... parents?" Watching as my face fell and lost all its mischief, he quickly proceeded, "I'm not saying this to be intrusive, but it's obvious that you're not... uh... happy... and you had also said that writing made you feel better... so..."


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"I'm fine, Sam, don't worry." I tried to play this situation off as nothing of any importance, but my constant hiccuping, high pitched voice and body tremble denied my claim.

Sighing profoundly, she went to sit beside me before placing her hand on my back and letting me lean my head on her shoulder.

Two Worlds Will Collide (Young Justice The Runaways fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now