the new kid

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ugh mondays. why can't the weekend be 3 days long? it doesn't help that i have a science quiz today AND auggie kept me up until 3 am because he's convinced his house is haunted.
"hello?" i answered my phone at 1:00am , 100% confused with pimple cream all over my face
"Y/N SOMETHING JUST GROWLED AT ME" auggie said, sounding genuinely scared
"august. are you sure it wasn't your dog?" i had to make sure his over dramatic ass wasn't just convincing himself that it was a monster
"no y/n, daisy is sleeping in vias room" he gasped for air whilst holding the microphone on his earphones
"and where were you when the thing growled at you? also why the fuck are you breathing so intensely" i questioned the concerned boy , trying my best not to fall back asleep
"in my kitchen getting water, and definitely felt something lick my foot whilst i was sprinting back upstairs" he shuddered at the memory of himself speeding up the stairs.
"and you put your moist foot back in your bed? go wash it" i said, clearly disgusted.
"i can't leave my bedroom y/n. have you ever seen a paranormal movie before? that thing is gonna eat me and my star wars collection" he started breathing heavily yet again, to which i assume he thought something was under his bed.
"y/N THERES SOMETHING IN THE CORNE- oh nevermind it's my life size darth vader cardboard cut out aha. okay well get some rest y/n, i must say your looking amazing at the moment." he said in a sarcastic tone.
"why the living fuck do you own a dearth vader card board cut out? you know what, i don't wanna know. goodnight auggie"
i barely got out , i was so tired , i checked the clock again, how the SHIT is it 3:05 am???.
oh fuck. i've been staring at the floor for like 20 minutes. i got out of bed and headed to bathroom. i did what everyone does before school , i washed my face and brushed my teeth, i did my hair hair and got dressed (below)

 i did what everyone does before school , i washed my face and brushed my teeth, i did my hair hair and got dressed (below)

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

i put on some perfume and then went downstairs
"good morning family of mine" i said as bubbly as i possibly could.
"morning sweetheart, i love your jumper!" mom said, flipping a pancake. my mother is absolutely gorgeous, and she's a lovely woman.
as i went to answer mom, down came max from his dungeon/bedroom, wearing an actual nice outfit today :]

as i went to answer mom, down came max from his dungeon/bedroom, wearing an actual nice outfit today :]

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

also,max has gotten really popular lately.... what the fuck???
"i like your shirt, shitface" i complimented my brother, for the first time in i don't know how long
"thank you , fuckface" mom and dad chuckled
"get in the car my cherubs, your gonna be late to school" we got into the car and me and mom talked for a bit
we got to school and i hopped out and RAN to meet auggie. after running for 2 minutes i saw him and grabbed onto his backpack.
"jabba, your late" auggie said , relaxed
"STOP CALLING ME JABBA" i barely got out , i'm so unfit.
we walked to class and august was explaining why the live action 'cats' movie is awful.
"have you seen the reviews y/n?? they are-"
"y/n, auggie ! over here" we looked over to see mr browne
"you need to head over to mr tushmans office. your not in trouble, there's a new kid and you need to give him a tour around the school" mr browne kept quiet, i felt like a was watching an asmr video 😐
"sure thing , cmon y/n" we made our way to mr browne's office.
"i wonder if it's a boy or girl" auggie questioned me
"i'm calling girl" i exclaimed
"alright, well if it's a girl i'll give you 5 dollars, and it's it's a boy you give me 5 dollars" auggie bargained
"deal" we didn't spit on our hands before shaking them, because auggie is a germaphobe.
we knocked on the principals door.
we heard a faint "they're here!" before a VERY loud
"COME IN!!!!" we walked in.... and it was a boy.
"shit" i muttered under my breath.
"HAH you owe me five bucks." auggie reminded me.
i examined the boy , he had brown fluffy hair and he was wearing this (below)

i examined the boy , he had brown fluffy hair and he was wearing this (below)

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

he kinda reminds me of max..... weird.
"hey, i'm josh" he blushed and looked me right the the eyes. awww he's cute, better than julian anyways :]
"by the looks of it, josh is in all of your classes" mr browne added, happily.
i smiled ,"cmon, we'll show you around"
the last place to take josh was mr brownes class
me and auggie knocked on the door at the same time and he desperately tried knocking louder than me
"come in" mr browne exclaimed
i pushed open the wooden door and everyone's heads turned to look at me. i glanced over at josh whilst he examined the classroom
"everyone, this is josh!" i cheered gleefully, as i wrapped my arm around him. he wrapped his arm around my waist and i blushed. wHAT I ONLY JUST MET HIM. Y/N STOP IT. but i didn't let go.
i looked over at julian and jack, they didn't look very happy.
                       *JULIANS POV*
what the fuck?? who does this kid thinks he is?? coming to my school and touching my girl?? this is so unfair :,(. i turned to look at jack and he didn't seem happy either... he better not like y/n , otherwise i'd have 2 other boys trying to win her over. y/n seemed happy enough which is NOT cool at all :(.  josh is starting today , and if i see him anywhere near y/n i will not be happy . my thoughts got cut off my mr browne
"josh, are you in y/n and auggies classes?" he questioned the boy. 'PLEASE SAY NO PLEASE SAY NO' i thought
"yes i am! mr...."
"browne" he interrupted. darn it. why, why , why does he have to be in our classes????. y'know what? that's fine. i'll just have to sit by y/n in every lesson.
i looked over at y/n who is still close to josh :(, she looked at me and smiled....ok, i feel better now
her smile can make feel 100000 better whenever i'm sad. damn.... i think i'm in love with y/n l/n.

𝐍𝐄𝐖//jack will x reader *ೃ࿔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang