meeting the pullmans

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after our final lesson ended, the loud bell pierced my eardrums. i couldn't be more excited to meet auggies family! i packed up my pens and pencils and put them in my bag, and got ready to leave the school. the first day was actually really fun, not to mention i have a new best friend :,).

"that's all for today class, see you all tomorrow!"

my teacher shouted as i practically ran out of the classroom, auggie following close behind me. we got outside and i looked over to my left to see jack and julian having a coversation.


i was so happy that school had finally ended for today. i walked through the corridor whilst fixing my hair, and someone put their hand on my shoulder

"hey man!"

it was julian.

"oh hey dude, what's up?"

i asked, i don't really care but, manners :).

"um, do you like anyone ?"

he questioned me, i had to think about it. i mean , i have always thought that y/n was cute, okay not cute, pretty ... ok who am i kidding , she's gorgeous.

"umm, i don't really know."

i didn't want anyone to know that i like y/n, especially not julian.

"hm, okay good. well i like y/n but that's obvious i guess. well, have a good one jack!"

he said, strutting away. god, how can i compete with julian to win y/n 's heart? speaking of y/n , there she is ... with auggie? oh yeah, they're like best friends. ugh, she's so beautiful . she's making auggie laugh which just proves she's so funny too. well, i have all night to think about ideas. i better start soon.
i still cannot believe y/n is my neighbour! we were walking out of the school grounds when i saw my mom. she smiled at me then her eyes looked at y/n .

"hey sweetie, how was school ?"
"it was amazing ! also mom, this is y/n!"

mom chuckled.

"i know who she is, i saw her at the tour, remember?, how are you y/n honey?"

mom questioned. y/n smiled .

"i'm great! how are you mrs pullman?"

y/n asked in her sweet voice , as usual.

"i'm great dear, you two have gotten closer huh?"

mom giggled.

"yeah! we're going over her house for dinner tonight!"

i squealed again, im so excited !!
"we can't auggie, we need to go over the neighbours house for dinner tonight"

mom reminded me.

"but mom, she IS our neighbour!!"

i squealed yet again. i can't contain my excitement anymore, what can i say.. i love my best friend !!
we got to our street and we exchanged numbers, i said goodbye to auggie and his mom, and walked into my house, to find max sprawled out on the sofa.

"i know he's your best friend, but please don't ditch me ALL the time."

max whined. i rolled my eyes and sat next to him, engulfing him in a humongous bear hug.

"you ARE the best older brother in the world after all ,maxy."


mom screamed. i broke me and eddies hug as we walked upstairs and parted ways into our rooms. i checked my phone to see a text from auggie .
auggie p🤪🌊
hey! i can't wait for later!
same! it's gonna be SO fun! :]
i know, im listening to arianas
least impressive album, yours
truly 🤪
bitch ur tasteless

𝐍𝐄𝐖//jack will x reader *ೃ࿔Where stories live. Discover now