days before the date:/

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it has been a few days since jacks outburst. ever since we found out that julian has the role of alexander hamilton, jack will has gone ABSOLUTELY CRAZY. he was sat in my room for hours ranting about how julian is a 'pig'. i personally thought he was going to start shitting himself and smearing it all over the walls, when i tell you he was like a manic man you best believe me.

anyway, it's currently monday morning and im sat on the end of my bed thinking of what to wear to school. we have FIVE DAYS until the date and im still not mentally or physically prepared, something about the thought of it all is making me anxious.

i stood up and made my way over to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get ready for school. i felt like making an effort to look nicer than usual, so i did some makeup and put on a nice outfit *below*

finally i sprayed my signature perfume and made my way downstairs because i have to squeeze in some time to annoy my family every morning before school

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finally i sprayed my signature perfume and made my way downstairs because i have to squeeze in some time to annoy my family every morning before school.

"y/n honey, you look gorgeous!"

mom dashed over, touching my hair and looking me up and down, taking in every detail of my outfit. i smiled, my mother is so girly and cute

"thankyou mom, you look gorgeous too"

the conversation was cut short as these loud ass footsteps were heard coming from the top of the and stairs all the way down to the bottom, revealing my brother.

"y/n you look..... okay. mom have you put my waterbottle in my bag? move ugly"

max barged past me, nearly knocking me over completely.

"max! be nice to your sister!"
"ah fuck you fat ass"

i fired back at him, walking over to the couch to put my shoes on

"y/n! be nice to your brother!"

i could hear my dad whistling the tune of some oasis song, making his way down the stairs.

"jackie dear, teenagers arent meant to be nice to eachother. isn't that right y/n/n?"

he came over and put me in a playful headlock. mom let out a huge gasp.

"MATTHEW. y/n has just done her hair all nice and cute and you are RUINING IT."

he quickly let go and apologised. dad is totally scared of mom, even thought he denies it. he grabbed the car keys and swung the front door open.

"cmon gremlins its time for school!"

i grabbed my things and kissed my mom goodbye, making my way out the door. i could hear max doing the same following close behind.

we got in the back and dad connected his phone to the car speakers. as we started driving off, the intro to 'dont look back in anger' by oasis came on, this was probably what he was whistling earlier.

𝐍𝐄𝐖//jack will x reader *ೃ࿔Where stories live. Discover now