Elle's phone pinged just as she closed the door behind her, releived that she was home after her awkward end to the evening. Dropping her keys onto the table by the front door she pulled her phone out of her purse and saw the email indicating she had a message waiting on Cupid. She sighed and dropped herself into the middle seat of her sofa. She stared out the window and noticed that the tree out front had buds on it as her mind drifted to him once more.

It's been good that I haven't talked to him in a while; I was getting too close, and getting close was just ridiculous considering we've never even met!

But still, she couldn't deny that she felt connected to him. All their long, intimate conversations where they discussed their secrets, their worries, their hopes; they laughed, cried (well she had anyway), how they listened to one another, encouraged and supported one another. Sometimes it was overwhelming; having that level of emotional intimacy with someone, and she wasn't sure she'd ever had it with anyone else. She did miss him terribly, and wanted to talk to him, but also knew that pulling away had allowed her to face facts and had helped to stop her from falling for him. Or had it? Judging from tonight, one could argue she already had fallen for him. Over the past few days she had been able to clear her head a bit though, and remind herself that they would only ever be friends and that really, that's what was best for both of them. Given his insistence on wanting to remain a bachelor and the distance between them anyway, what choice was there really? She had come to realize though that she did consider him to be one of her best friends and she was so grateful to have added someone so fun, adventurous and sweet to her life.

Feeling  guity for having avoided him because of her own insecurities, she reached for her laptop and logged on. She smiled at his simple but endearing message and responded; withholding her deepest thoughts.

"Hi handosme,

Sorry, it's been a while. I've been on a few dates and it was Stacy's birthday party the other night. I have missed you though.

Spring's here finally and I'm enjoying the warm weather. I might have to take a few days off and head down to Florida before it gets too hot down there; maybe do a day or two at Disney, then hit the beaches.

You'll be heading home soon too won't you? What's the first thing you want to do when you get back?

Well, I have a deadline tomorrow and I'm not done my latest piece so I should run for now. Have a great day, or night depending on when you get this. J

Elle xx"

Jack read her response  that had come up while he'd been in the middle of paying some bills.

"Hi hunny,

Florida sounds nice. Maybe I should meet you there. I haven't really thought about what I'm going to do once I get home actually. We try not to think of those things, at least for as long as we can manage.

So dates? Have you finally gone out with the same bloke more than once? Better than the usual bunch I hope! ;) You'll have to tell me about him.

Anyway, have to run and start my shift for the day.

Laters you.

Jack xxx"

Elle stretched and yawned as she checked her email before planning on finally going to bed. It was almost 3 AM. She saw the notification from cupid and so logged on to read the message from Jack. She smiled as she always did when she read his notes to her and responded in her foggy haze of exhaustion.

"LOL, you always make me laugh. Yes, it was dates with the same guy, and yes, he was much better than the others have been. Very nice and kind actually. And Florida! You'd want to go? That would be great, I'd love to meet you there and hang out for a while! Let me know if you're serious and I'll hold off going until you're back. Anyway, must get some sleep.

The UnexpectedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora