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casey: im getting elsa a 'get better' card
izzie: awh, is she sick?
casey: no. but she could be better


elsa: [making macaroni]
casey: that's what good pussy sounds like
elsa: CASEY-


izzie, sitting in a trashcan: :)
casey: are you okay?
izzie: i have given up :)


(by incorrectatypical on tumblr because this is too good not to share)

casey: yeah i love my family; dad, sam, and
casey: [looks at smudged writing on hand]
casey: that bitch from Frozen-


casey: hi, i'm casey. and you are?
izzie: not as straight as i thought i was


nate: but i love you! i can't live without you
izzie: hahaha
izzie: then perish.


izzie: my neck, my back
izzie: i have constant panic attacks


okay, yes, the first cazzie kiss is great
the pan out was also great
but is everyone gonna ignore the three seconds where they aren't kissing
and their foreheads are just close together and their eyes are still closed
brigette and fivel have blessed us

incorrect quotes with cazzie (and other shenanigans)Where stories live. Discover now