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((Author's note: This is yeah of course mostly fluffy, but It might get... A VERY LITTLE smutty in the end, but, I still hope you all like this!))


((No one's point of view))

December, 24.12.2019, at 13.00 o'clock.

It was a peaceful Christmas-eve over at the base, as the place had been decorated to the Christmas mood entierly. They couldn't get a bot sized tree, so they made one themselves, with the tools and equipment they had. It wasn't perfect, but it felt special, as it was hand- and self-made. The humans got there sized plastic tree to where the couch and tv were, all decorated, shiny and lighted up by electric candles. Lights, Decorations, they even went and put a real mistletoe hanging on top of the entrance to the halls. Of course, Ratchet wasn't very fond of any of this. He couldn't understand the human culture in the slightest. But he didn't really try either. The only thing he wanted to do was work and get things done... But he couldn't get his mind off of a certain mech, going by the name of Wheeljack. That darn hot ex-wrecker was only causing him to be unable to work. What made the matters worse, is that SOMEHOW Bulkhead got him talked over to come and stay at the base for this "Occasion"... Just great. Now he had to deal with him as well. It wasn't like the humans weren't enough to bother around, being obnoxiously loud and noisy. Especially Miko.

As much as he hated to admit it... He did have some feelings for the ex-wrecker. He didn't know what made him so attractive, to lure him so much like that, making him blush with his warm smile, spark melting at the sound of his voice, and... Just everything about him made him feel weird, but also nice emotions and feelings. But it was annoying enough that he was rubbing it to his faceplate all the time when he ever had the chance, without him ever even fully noticing, nor understanding, which he was only relieved about. But it made the matter's only worse, that the mistletoe was there. From what he had understood from the children when two bots accidentally stop under it, they have to kiss each other. And not only a cheek kiss- no. It had to be right in the LIPS. He grumbled even about the idea of that. He was only nervous that that would happen to him somehow. He shook his head, he knew that there could only be a small percent of the possibility of that ever happening... But why did he even slightly wanted it to?

He wasn't the only one who was thinking of this. The reason Wheeljack ever agreed is 1: He wanted to spend time with his best bud Bulkhead and his human partner Miko and 2: He wanted to see the medic and to tease him and maybe even... Ask him if he shared his feelings.

Any time he got the chance, he would just admire the looks of the Doc-bot there. I mean, how could he resist. It was too perfect not to. But that made the medic look over his shoulder, making him have look away and pretend like he wasn't doing anything. Ratchet got weird vibes from this but always ignored them turning his gaze back to whatever he was doing. But what Wheeljack was most worried about, is that would he even share his feelings? The way he has treated him, makes him wonder... Would he even give him a single chance?


As Ratchet was working, as usual, everyone was just hanging around, chit-chatting, the bots were drinking some good tasting energon, that was specialized to taste better than usual, as the humans had made some mulled wine, but it didn't contain any alcohol of course. Jack even got June, her mother to join them, as fowler had a day off, but wanted to spend it with the children and bots. It was very peaceful and nice. There was no Decepticon activity at all, and it seemed like there wouldn't be any, which seemed too good to be true, but they were happy about this and didn't bother to question, as they only wanted to have a peaceful evening and to learn about this human culture, to grow a better understanding of them. It was nice, and everybody could agree that they didn't want to be interrupted. It was surprising that the children were able to get to be at the base in Christmas-eve, but they somehow did, and it was, of course, heartwarming.

A Christmas-eve kiss~ ((Ratchet X Wheeljack: one-shot))Where stories live. Discover now