Discovering: Chapter 2

Start from the beginning

"Forget having a weak ass quirk, you don't even HAVE a quirk!" He stated as Izuku's chair fell back with him in it. Izuku didn't even have a look of surprise, or fear! He just had his usual bored, or which Katsuki had liked to call 'resting bïtch face', on. That made Katsuki even more angry. "WHY DON'T YOU EVER SHOW ANY EMOTION GODDAMNIT!" He yelled as small sparks flew out of his palms, his intent to hurt Izuku made clear just by the look on his face. Just as Katsuki was about to blow Izuku up, the bell rang and the teacher intervened to tell everyone to "Get out of my classroom!". As everyone started to file out of the classroom Bakugo looked back at Midoryia and mouthed "Don't think this is over." Before he left the classroom.

~Time Skipu~

It was the end of the day and Midoriya was packing his things. Just as he was putting away his hero analysis notebook something snatched the book out of his hand. Izuku, unfazed, turned to see Katsuki, and his lackeys beside him. "'Hero Analysis For the Future' eh," Katsuki said, gripping the book tighter. "Now why would a quirkless loser like you need this?" He asked while smoke was emitting from his hands and the book. 

Now, if you looked at this scene from the surface you'd think that Bakugo wasn't be afraid of the person he was tormenting, but truth be told, Bakugo was scared shïtless of this dude. He never showed any emotion except boredom and he gave off this creepy vibe, like he was stronger than everyone there, and it freaked him out. How could some quirkless guy be more powerful than him!? He was told ever since he was four that he was destined to do great things, so why? Why was he so scared of his former childhood friend?

Giving a spine-chilling glare, Izuku said "Give. Me. Back. My. Notebook." Every word laced with venom. Bakugo's lackeys started to shake 1,000 miles per hour while Katsuki was just standing there, book in hand. "And what are ya gonna do with it, huh? It's not like you're going to become a hero anyways!" Just then the book emitted smoke before exploding, leaving nothing but ashes as they fell to the ground. Izuku just stared at the book, still not showing emotion as the trio walked out of the room. If you looked closely you'd see that Bakugo's hand was shaking slightly. No normal person would notice this but Izuku somehow did and smirked internally. Just before Bakugo left the room, he turned around to look at Izuku.

"You know, if you want to be a hero so badly there might be another way," He said. Izuku looked up, knowing it was probably going to be some terrible type of advice used for bullying him. "Just pray that you'll be born with a quirk in your next life, then take a swan dive off the roof of the building!" He laughed before he left the room.

Izuku just stood there staring down at his notebook for a while. Snapping back to reality, he whispered "All that work for nothing." Before he finished packing his things and left, leaving the ashes for the janitor to clean up.

~Time skip brought to you by the janitor crying in a corner~

As Izuku was walking home he figured that he should stop by his favorite coffee shop, Café Mami, and grab some coffee jelly. (If anyone gets the reference I will be your best friend for life!) As he was drinking his honeyed camomile tea and eating his coffee jelly he felt like he was missing out on something but he couldn't put his finger on it....

Oh well!

~Izuku's P.O.V~

After I finished eating and payed money for the coffee jelly I began to wander about the city. 'The city is awfully empty today.' I thought before I came across a crowd of people watching some heroes fight a villain, only, the hero's weren't doing anything. They were just standing around waiting for another hero with a better quirk situated for this type of event. Only a few heroes were trying to get the crowd away from danger. 'Pitiful, they can't even evacuate citizens away from danger' I thought as I was about to pass the scene, but something caught my eye. 

I noticed that the slime villain currently had a hostage that looked like... 'Wait, is that Katsuki!?' I thought as I pushed to the front of the crowd. 'He looks like he's about to die. Should I let this happen?' For the next 2 minutes I sat there contemplating whether or not I should help him. 'Well he does deserve it, buuut if I don't help then I'll probably have to deal with Auntie Mitsuki and Mom mourning over him later, and I don't want to deal with that' I thought. 'Ugh fiiine' I thought as I started to move onto the scene.

"Hey, kid! What are you doing! You can't go in there!" One of the heroes exclaimed as Izuku threw his blue and white school bag at the sludge monster, gaining Katsuki a few breaths of air. 'You know, a hero with telekinesis would be REALLY  helpful right now' He thought as he dodged one of the explosions the villain shot at him. Suddenly Izuku felt a surge in his body. It felt great, and powerful. Suddenly the slime villain violently rose in the air while Katsuki flew all the way back to the heroes who were on standby. 

~3rd person P.O.V~

As the heroes assisted Katsuki, Midoriya was shaking the villain up and down and banging them against the walls. (No not that banging! I know what you guys think about >:(

"Stop! Stop! Just let me go! I'm sorry okay! Is that what you want to hear! Jail would be better than this!" The villain pleaded as supposedly Izuku kept banging him against the walls.

"NEVER FEAR, FOR I AM HERE" Exclaimed a tall, blonde, and bulky man, who just so happens to be the number 1 hero, All might. 'About time' Izuku thought as he stepped back from the fight. "DETROIT SMAAASHH" All might exclaimed before he punched the villain. His punch was so strong that as soon as it connected with the villains body he exploded, splattering small pieces of slime everywhere.

When the slime scattered the heroes who were standing to the side quickly decided now was the time to act, so they grabbed a few bottles from the crowd and scooped up the slime residue.


After the fight, the heroes made sure Katsuki was alright. He was being praised for being 'brave' and 'strong' and blah blah blah. Izuku also got his fair share of praise but he didn't take it. Instead, he called the heroes out on their flaws "Don't try and praise me for my bravery now! You all are pro heroes! The meaning of being a hero is to risk your life to save people! Not, and I quote, 'wait for a hero with a more suitable quirk.' And what if I were to tell you I was quirkless, huh? Would I still be getting this praise for being brave or would I be scolded for being stupid." Izuku stated in his rant as the other heroes watched and listened in shock and shame.

After his little rant, Izuku walked home leaving the hero's jaws dropped. As Izuku was walking he looked up to see a beautiful sunset.

'Hopeless, they're completely hopeless' 

'When will society ever change?' Izuku thought as he gazed upon the sunset, Crimson Red and orange clashing together to create a breathtaking sight.


Aha! Second chapter done! So this chapter is longer than the last one I think so that right there is improvement! Tell meh if you liked this chapter in the comments! Oki well I don't have anything else to talk about soo... Bai

~2012 words~

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