"Excuse you, but out apartment is no dumpster," Yoongi chimes in.

Seokjin's dad glares at him, but Yoongi is not afraid to speak his mind.

"We built that place practically from the ground up and Seokjin-hyung was a part of that. He helped decorate the rooms and did all the finishing touches. It was his own choice to go live with us and now I totally see why. This place might look nice, but it sure as hell doesn't feel nice. This isn't a home, it's just an empty shell."

Yoongi's speech makes the others gain some confidence and they all man up and stop hiding behind me.

"Exactly! You might be his dad on paper, but you sure as hell don't act like one!" Jimin says. "With us he found something he never got here: Love! He found his family in people he's not even related to!"

"He's right," Namjoon says. "Why would he ever want to come back to you when you treat him like garbage? First you disown him because he's an omega and then when he goes to live his own life you suddenly want him back? You might be powerful, but it's about time your evil ways come to and end."

Seokjin's dad laughs mockingly at Namjoon.

"And how are you going to do that?" he asks with a crazy smile. "Once my minions have thrown you out the police will take you away. It's your word against mine. Why would they ever believe a thing you say about me? People have tried taking me down in the past, and you know what happened to them?"

He runs his thumb across his neck and I feel a chill go down my spine as I get what he means. I don't even want to think about it, but Hoseok yells it out for everyone to hear.

"You killed the people who tried to go against you?!"

We all go silent as we wait for an answer. Seokjin's dad smiles evilly with his gaze fixed on me.

"Not with my own hands, but I suppose I could make an exception for the bastards who tried to mislead my son. Especially you, alpha."

I only see his eyes flash red before he kicks me to the floor and presses his hands down on my neck. I can't breathe. I try getting him off of me, but I can't do much when my body isn't getting any oxygen. The other guys spring into action, but the motorcycle gang keep them from being able to help me. There are people fighting all over in the small office, but I can only focus on the scary face above me. Seokjin's dad grins as he squeezes my neck harder.

"A pathetic death for a pathetic alpha like yourself."

Black dots start dancing around in front of my eyes and I can't keep my arms up anymore. He's actually going to kill me. This wasn't how it was supposed to end. I was going to kill him, not the other way around. I was going to get Seokjin out of here and then we'd live the rest of our lives happily together. We were going to get married and he'd start his own business while I continue training to become an Olympic swimmer. We'd move to a nice house that we'd fix up exactly the way we want it with the help of Yoongi and the other guys. A house where we could raise our kids if we ever got any. Seokjin told me a while ago that he can't get pregnant. Since he took the drugs from such a young age his reproductive organs are messed up, but I still had hope that things would turn out for the better. I want to start a family with him, even if we have to adopt, but none of that will happen when I'm dead. I guess things don't always work out the way you want them to...

Just as I'm about to give up, the grip on my neck loosens and I can suck in a breath. I see that Seokjin's dad is clutching his balls, and from the look on Seokjin's face I assume he kicked him. Seokjin grabs a metal tray from the desk and slams it down on his father's head. He falls to the floor and Seokjin rushes to my side to help me up. I'm a bit dizzy and it's an understatement to say that my neck hurts, but other than that I feel just fine. I'm actually better than fine now that I have Seokjin in my arms again. Our future might be within reach after all.

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