Chapter Two

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It's been a week since the funeral and life has been bland, to say the least. Here it is eight in the morning and I'm scrolling through Jaylah's Instagram as I awaited her text. I debated calling her but I didn't want to seem too eager. Instead, I kept checking her social media accounts for signs that she was awake. After waiting for what felt like hours I decided to shoot her a text.


Hey, I was just wondering if we're still on for coffee? You didn't give me a time when we last spoke."

In two minutes my phone lit up. Finally, I thought as I opened the text.


Hey. Sorry I've been really busy trying to catch up with school. We can meet now if you're free? I could really use a pick me up.

I replied saying that I would meet her in about ten minutes and quickly dressed. I left my apartment in shambles as I hurried to the coffee shop. I was finally being able to have an actual conversation with Jaylah and I wasn't about to blow it.

I walked into the coffee shop and spotted her sitting at a booth by the window. Her big curly puff sat neatly on top of her head as her fingers typed away at her laptop. She looked stressed and all over the place. I couldn't blame her because I haven't been myself either since Peyton's death.

"Hey, that was quick," Jaylah said.

"Yeah. My apartment is just around the corner" I mentioned. I sat across from her and began looking over the menu. "So how are you?"

"It's been hard. Trying to catch up is a motherfucker but I'm pushing through. Staying occupied so my mind doesn't wander to her." She replied with her head lowered.

"Yeah. I agree it's been hard. I can't stay focused for shit and I'm practically just a walking zombie." I said.

Jaylah chuckled and frowned up "tell me about it." she said and closed her laptop. "Hey, I've been meaning to ask you. No offense but when did Peyton have the time to make friends? We were together all the time."

"Uh, we met in Freshman English like a year ago. She helped me with the class. I suck at writing" I replied. "She used to tutor me a lot after class. We kind of just grew close and remained friends after that" I sat the menu down and called for the waiter.

"Hi there. How can I help you." She asked nicely with the notepad in her hand.

"I'll take an iced caramel macchiato, made with coconut milk and add a dash of cinnamon please," I replied.

The waiter nodded and scribbled my order onto the notepad then turned to Jaylah. "And you?"

Jaylah stared at me in astonishment. "I'll have the same thing, thank you."

"Okay, I'll be right back with your coffee" the waitress replied and walked away, leaving Jaylah there with the same look on her face.

"I actually got the idea from Peyton," I spoke. "She always ordered it but would add almond milk instead of coconut milk."

"Yeah, she hated coconuts with a passion" Jaylah added and we shared a chuckle. The waitress returned with our drinks and we sat and talked for a moment. I asked her as many questions about her as I could without sounding like a creep. I wanted to know everything from the moment she met Peyton to how often they would fight.

"I feel like I've been talking about myself the whole time. Enough about me tell me something about you." Jaylah said

"Okay, what would you like to know?" I asked.

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