Part 1

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I woke to a small nudging. "Russia your going to be late." Canada was frowning at me when I smiled and looked at her. "At least it's better than a drunk in your eyes Maple." I'd say sitting up making Canada look away at my undressed chest. "Whatever, get dressed. And no sneaking Vodka you слабоумный." I smiled at that. "No maple syrup you конек." Canada scoffed her Russian was getting better. "Whatever just get ready." She got up and left the room, I blushed staring at her ass then dragged myself out of bed. I slipped on a shirt pulled on some pants and grabbed my hat shoving it on my head before I left my room, however, I grabbed the starting of a beaver hat for Canada and hid it under my pillow so I could work on it when I got home.

"RUSSIA! DON'T MAKE ME HAVE TO GO GET YOU!" America's voice called. Of course, he wouldn't let Canada call me out. Knowing him he was probably in love with her to. I grabbed my bag and walked down the stairs "Coming." I groaned then nearly had a nosebleed while looking at Canada. "Your going to make us late... Uk went on ahead already, let's go." She picked up her bag and tossed it onto her shoulder. God did she look HOT in camping clothes. "Russia..." A dark voice came from behind. "Got it I'm going! Bye Отец и нацист!"

I fled out the door. I could tell when my father wanted me to move. "Thanks for renting the campsite USSR!" Canada said waving dragging America by the wrist. "I'm going to show all of you the life of camping!" She sang happily. "I think the others are coming to. Or they're already there." Canada looked at me. "You have gone camping before right Rus?" To be honest, if I did I forgot, just having Canada look at me so sweetly... I couldn't say no to any question even if no was an answer! "Yes..?" I'd reply after a little bit. "Okay! Let's go." Canada jogged on ahead then I questioned why or how someone so cute could carry a bag so heavy, and why nobody offered to take it for her. "You dumb-ass hurry up!" America shouted half a mile away. I jumped and started running after him.

I've never seen Canada more childish over something besides syrup... I watched her clap and jump in happiness, "Okay Canada calm down." I finally interfered. She looked at me then grinned, "Alright, we got to set up camp anyways." I smiled then reached for a tent America reached for the same one and I sighed. "So we're sharing." I'd ask him. "NOPE!" Came Canada's cheerful voice I could hear her voice and pick it out in a concert any time. "We make the tents then we play a game to see who our partners are!" I smiled at her creativity, then blushed at the one thought that comes to my mind... What if Canada and I shared a tent... Oh god. America cleared his throat, what a joy kill. I helped America set up the tent then looked at Canada and felt a tinge of jealousy.

She was helping Britain and Poland set up a tent. She had her hands directing Poland's so he could help other people set up the tents. Poland was smiling at this and I could see his mouth moving as if talking. Man, I wish I had my водка at hand. I sat down and started rummaging through my bag. "It's not time to unpack!?" A very, very, very eccentric Neko cried out. Fuck. I looked at Mexico and the others that arrived. "Just putting up the last tents then we can play the partner game Mexi!" Canada called out. I sighed. "Wake me when it's time." I lay on the dirt using my bag as a pillow then fell asleep. I woke to someone kicking me in the stomach. "phoohg..." I groaned clutching the pained spot. "Jetzt wach Sonnenschein?" Germany said. I wish I could wipe his smug face on the dirt. Canada came over and grabbed Germany pinching his neck, I smiled as Germany winced and apologized several times in German. Canada helped me up. "It's time for the games! Everyone gather around!" The game was pretty easy, it was like hide and seek but half of us were seeking and you could only find one person that person was your partner. Everyone agreed that Canada should hide and chose teams, thankfully I was a seeker.

But so was America, UK, and Poland, I groaned at the competition. Canada let out a squeal then jumped on me randomly. "Get rid of it! Get rid! S'il Vous plaits!" I wrapped my arms around her to keep her from falling. "Get rid of what Maple?" America's voice said. "The mouse!" I smirked, the outdoorsy person afraid of mice? And she jumped on me of all people. "Aha! I see it. Here." Canada's grip tightened on my neck then released. "Oh, it was Ministro," Canada said as I set her down. "Ministro?" I asked pretending nothing happened. "My pet mouse... I'm sorry Ministro." Canada said taking a tiny white mouse from America. She set it in a cage and I watched her. Then Canada smiled. "May the game... Begin!" She ran off into the woods along with the other hiders. I sighed and sat down waiting for the call from Germany.

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