Chapter 4

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Harry's POV:

"Okay boys... since you've been working so hard past few days for the album and all.. today is your day off!" Says our one and only, best manager ever, Paul.

We all cheer and Louis being himself starts jumping on the couch.

After an hour of arguing on what to do with our day off we all finally agreed to go to the amusement park.

During the drive there was never a moment when it was silent.... mostly because Louis couldn't shut his mouth up. He kept on belting out lyrics to the songs playing. After the loud car ride we finally reached thw amusement park.

I heard an all to familiar laughter coming from behind me. I turned around and what I saw just broke my heart into pieces. Emily was there but not alone. A tall and muscular bloke was with her. Of course I thought... how'd I expect such a beautiful girl like Emily to be single. I turned back and followed the boys to wherever they wanted to go.


It has been 2 hours since we came here and now Louis was practically dragging me towards the roller-coaster.

"Emily?" I said smiling, "so nice to see you again."

"Hey Harry! You too." she said smiling widely.

I introduced all the lads and Louis was just goofing around. She was frowning and then Louis said that we are in One Direction and all the lads were looking at her expectantly.... just waiting for her to start fangirling.

"Would you like to come with us to watch movies Emily?" I asked, secretly hoping she would say yes.

"Yeah sure if you don't mind."

"We don't have any problem, love." Liam said smiling.

"Just wait a sec. I'll just tell Rob and I'll join you guys."

"Rob?" Niall asked.

"Yeah, Robert, my best friend!"


Sorry guys for the boring chapter. I promise it'll get better.

Thank you for reading....


Ilyasm!!!! :* :* :* :*

Always & Forever Yours [h.s.]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora