"Yes, everything's fine here, thanks. And I'm looking forward to sharing New Year's with you. 11 works fine.

Talk to you soon.

Elle xx"

She spent much of the day reviewing the year that had gone by. She made a list of things that she had enjoyed and hoped to continue or build on in the next year, and made a list of things she didn't like. Those, she analyzed to determine if she could have done things differently and if not, she made a conscious effort to let them go. Feeling focused and optimistic again, she opened some wine and put on some music as she got ready for her call from Jack.


Jack sat down at the computer and put one of his ear-buds in, so no one would hear who he was talking to. He clicked on her Skype ID and initiated the video call. She accepted his invitation and a few seconds later, her image appeared on his screen.

He smiled at her and realized how much he had missed her the last week. "Hey you! How are you doing?"

She smiled back. "I'm good. Happy New Year."

"It's not New Year's yet is it?" He glanced at the clock.

Elle laughed a bit, "No, not here, but you've already had it there."

"Arr, no. That didn't count." He smiled at her again. "So what've you been doing with your time off?"

She told him of the people she'd visited with over the last week and mentioned a few of the parties that she'd been to. " I know you've been working on the base, but if you'd been home this year what would you have done?"

" Well Christmas isn't really the same for me anymore to be honest. I used to really look forward to it, doing a lot of the things you just talked about, but I was actually glad to have the distraction of being deployed this year."

Elle thought that seemed very sad and said so. "That sounds so sad. Why don't you look forward to the holidays anymore?" Suddenly realizing that her curious nature had gotten the best of her, she hastily added. "Sorry. That was a bit personal, you don't have to tell me if you don't want."

He smiled at her consideration. "No, that's okay. I don't know really. I just don't get the Christmas spirit the way I used to. So, instead of forcing myself to be cheerful like everyone expects, I've been going boarding instead, the last couple of years."    

"Hmmm, well a Christmas holiday is always fun. But I know what you mean; I've been finding it harder each year too. I'm not sure why." She admitted.

He nodded his understanding. "I don't know, part of me thinks that each passing year reminds me that I'm not where I thought I'd be in life by now. Just gets me down."

"Yes, I know!" Elle couldn't hide her enthusiasm at Jack's ability to explain what she always had trouble articulating. "I really thought my life would be different than it actually is too."

"What did you expect things to be like for you?"

She was caught off guard by his question, but she did her best to answer him. " Well, actually, I expected what everyone expects, I suppose. I thought I'd be married, probably with some kids; you know, just sharing my life with someone...settled, with a routine, I guess."

Jack nodded his understanding. "Yes, that's what I thought I'd have too. Well, I did for a little while anyway. Definitely did not expect to be divorced, but wasn't my choice either though was it?" 

Elle sensed that they had travelled down a painful path, and so, changed the subject. " No life doesn't usually go the way we plan it; but what are looking to do in the year ahead? Any big plans?"

"Well, once I'm home, I'll definitely have to brush up on my boarding and maybe book some time off and take a trip. Maybe I should wait until the winter and go to Banff." He smiled at her. "I can't believe you've never tried snowboarding, you really should. You'd love it."

"Well, if there was a way to do it and not feel like I was freezing to death, I might." Her expression conveyed her sarcasm.

Jack laughed a bit. "You just need to dress for it, and then when you get going down the mountain, you forget all about it anyway."

"Maybe,"  she conceded. "But I'd rather go somewhere warm and sit on the beach."

"Yah, the beach is good too. How often do you go to Florida?"

"I try and go at least every couple of years. When were you there last?"

"Hmmm, it was more than a couple of years ago; I was still married then."

"So what beaches did you go to, when you were there?"

"None actually. We spent the full 2 weeks in Orlando doing the parks"

Elle was stunned. " You went all the way from England to Florida, were there 2 weeks and didn't drive the hour to either coast to go to the beach?"

Jack smiled at her disbelief. "No, we didn't."

"Oh my God! You missed out on one of the best parts! The Gulf Coast beaches are perfect; some of the best in the world actually! White sand, crystal clear, warm water. You must make sure you see them the next time you're there!"

"Okay, I'll be sure to go the next time I'm there." He couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm and they continued to chat about their lives and experiences as The New Year approached.

"Isn't it almost midnight there?" Jack asked as he looked away to the clock again.

"Yes it is!" Elle realized and she turned her TV on to watch the countdown. "Do you want to see the celebrations?"

"Yah, sure. Where are they from?" He asked.

"Niagara Falls." She commented as she turned her laptop towards the television. "Can you see?"

"Yes. Who's that performing?" Jack asked as they watched the crowd dance at the outdoor concert.

"That's Hedley. They're kind of a pop, alternative Canadian band." Elle explained as the song ended and the host announced the time as the countdown began. She couldn't help but smile as the New Year approached and she watched the clock tick down before the sky above the falls exploded in color as the fireworks went off.

"Happy New Year, Elle." Jack said sincerely.

She peeked her head around from the back of the screen so he could still see the fireworks, "Happy New Year, Jack. Thanks for spending it with me."

"Thank- you, but  it was really my pleasure." Jack smiled at her. "You know Elle, you really need to make sure you find someone worthy of you."

Elle was taken aback by his comment. She turned the screen back to face her, "What do you mean?"

"Someone who genuinely appreciates you and all you have to offer. Someone who will allow you to soar and do all the things you dream of doing. Don't settle for anything less than what you deserve." His warm eyes were peering into her form so far away. "Promise me that?"

She was stunned by his sweet words and felt almost embarrassed that he thought her so worthy of a prince charming; and, as she always did when she felt uncomfortable, she made light of it. "Well what I deserve might be debatable. What I want, on the other hand, might be impossible to find." 

Jack smiled at her and just shook his head, but he didn't push the subject. Instead, they chatted for another hour or so, before Elle grew tired and Jack insisted she go and get some sleep. "Good night beautiful. Happy New Year."

"Good night, Jack." Thanks for spending New Year's with me." She smiled and blew him a kiss before she ended their connection.

As she lie in bed, she couldn't help but smile at the unusual way she had wrung in The New Year. She easily drifted off, grateful for the good start to the year ahead.   

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