Chapter 19

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After a good few hours sleep, Nate had arisen from his hotel bed and headed straight down to the pool. He waited peacefully by the side of the water for absolutely nothing to happen. The bliss he had wanted the moment he’d stepped off the transport shuttle was finally his to enjoy.

The Hell that had ensued soon after arriving now felt like a lifetime ago. The only lingering reminder was his leg, that still throbbed, although much less than before. A doctor had checked it over and repaired the damage as much as he could. It brought a smile to his face, that even in such a technological age, a broken bone was beyond immediate repair. It had been reset but time was still the best fix. At least the painkillers were working.

The last he’d seen of Sarl was as the nearby security station’s forces had carted him off. It had still taken a couple of hours for the armoured team to arrive. Time Cameron had gladly spent subduing him. Nate hadn’t wanted to know how, only that it was being handled.

The emblem had stayed with Nate. He just wasn’t willing to part with it. During his sleep he’d clutched it, keeping it close to his heart. He’d wound it so tight around his arm that upon waking he’d realised his hand had become totally numb. It was so important to him, that he was more than happy to cut off a bit of blood supply in order to keep it safe.

At a time when he felt safely back in his own surroundings, he would spread out the evidence to all that needed it. The first would be the security force that held Sarl. Nate knew from the conversation he’d witnessed that there was enough of it to see him spend the rest of his life somewhere fitting.

As he stared into space, plotting his next few moves, something caught his eye. He'd spotted a pleasing figure walking casually in his direction. It instantly brought a broad smile to his face.

“Hey, how you feeling?” Helen said.

“Better, thanks,” he replied, inadvertently rubbing his leg.

“Good. You ready?” Helen extended out her hand.

“You bet.”

They made their way away from the pool. It was slow progress but still much faster than before Nate’s leg had been tended to. This time Helen only had to hold on to him to stop him tripping. His weight was once again his burden to bear.

Ahead Nate could see a large gathering of people spread out before them. They watched as a lone figure addressed the calm crowd. From the back it looked like the festival was in full swing, but this was different to the one before. This time the people were still and respectful, not excited and fidgety like they had been during the opening festival. Things were drawing to a close.

The man on stage was speaking to the crowd in his best and most mystical sounding voice. As they neared the gathering Nate could see that he was of the same race, but it wasn’t L'Armin. He’d evidently given someone else the job of completing the ceremony. Of course Nate knew it was all just for show; a convenient lie to protect the truth.

L'Armin and L’Eshran had left as Sarl was led away. The entire episode had drained L'Armin of his strength. He had used L'Eshran to support him after that, as even walking proved difficult. Nate just hoped they would have the chance to thank him properly before he and Helen were due to leave.

Eventually they found their designated spot, Nate was considered a VIP after all. It was about time he made the most of it, he told himself. There they stood and watched as the man atop the large plinth—or unfinished pyramid as Nate still preferred—spoke to the crowd.

“We thank the Beings of the Rings for their generous gift, bestowed upon us …” the man said. “It is now time for us to part.”

The crowd cheered as he approached the large lever that had activated the beam of light at the beginning of the festival. The tower of light still reached up to the rings above, just faintly tickling their edge. He stood in front of it, creating as much suspense as he could to add to the illusion.

With all of his weight put into one exaggerated movement, the man forced the lever. It clicked and clunked as the heavy, metal mechanisms moved beneath him. Eventually it reached its final position, which deactivated the beam. The glow it had bathed the crowd in faded until only the rings remained above.

Nate felt a quietness flow over him. He stood with Helen to his side and peered up. It was beautiful. He hadn’t been able to appreciate the view properly until now. The rings swept across the sky and cut straight through a clear horizon of stars and galaxies. He couldn’t tell if it was Helen beside him or the thought of nearly dying that made him enjoy it so much. Maybe it didn’t matter.

Helen took his hand as they stood contently. He looked to her but she was mesmerised by the view above, her eyes were wider than he’d ever seen them before. Suddenly the view above him had competition, with the sight of Helen tipping the balance just slightly. For a moment he kept his eyes in place until Helen turned to face him. He was sure he'd moved his gaze away in time, but a tiny squeeze of his hand suggested otherwise.

Someone tapped him on the shoulder from behind. He turned to find Cameron, L'Armin and L’Eshran standing there. L'Armin still looked a little flushed as L’Eshran held him supportively by the arm. For the first time since meeting L'Armin, Nate thought he appeared as old as he supposedly was. Largely due to the extra wrinkles that now framed his eyes.

“How are you?” Nate asked.

L'Armin answered quickly to stop L'Eshran from doing so for him. “In time,” he said, “I will be well.”

Cameron leaned his head back and looked up, mimicking others nearby. “Wow, what a sight,” he said.

“Indeed,” L'Armin replied.

L’Eshran simply grumbled.

“I’ve got to say, you’ve got a Hell of a place here,” Nate said.

L'Armin tipped his head to the side slightly. “I suppose we do.”

“I think what Nathan is trying to say is thank-you, for everything,” Helen said.

Nate laughed. “That’s what I meant. I could never repay you for what you’ve done for me.”

“That’s better,” she added, playfully digging her elbow into his side.

L'Armin laughed quietly as he placed a hand on Nate’s shoulder and inadvertently transferred a bit too much of his weight. He was about to speak when L’Eshran interrupted.

“With everything now settled I trust you will be leaving?” He said.

“I guess so.” Nate glanced at Helen. “Or we could stay a little longer?”

After one last and prolonged look at the rings hovering silently above, she answered. “No, I think there’s something waiting to be done at home.”

Nate nodded in agreement. “In that case,” he said. “I have just one more request.”

L’Eshran suddenly became more animated. He leant forward and raised his hand, giving the Stop signal. “No. Absolutely not. I told you this was over.”

“I know, but I think L'Armin might enjoy this,” Nate said.

L'Armin tugged gently on L’Eshran’s sleeve and silenced his anger instantly. Yet the matter was not quite settled. For a moment the two stared intensely at each other. Nate assumed they were arguing telepathically again. There were no clear signs of who was winning though.

Eventually L'Armin spoke. “We are agreed. What is your request?”

Nate smiled, but did not speak.

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