Chapter 13

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The bar was now empty and Nate's water had become much warmer than he liked. He continued to take frugal sips of it anyway, just to keep his mouth from drying out completely. It was always too much to expect things to be exactly as he wanted, and no ice was the least of his problems. Something much more troubling was only minutes away.

He slowly wiped his forehead with the palm of his hand. A stowaway drop of water from his drink was smeared across his skin, leaving a pleasing layer of dampness behind. It lasted a short while before evaporating away.

It had been almost twenty-five minutes since Cameron had disembarked on his solo quest to find Helen. He would make light work of scouring the hotel for her, Nate was sure. Convincing her to follow him, on the other hand, would be an altogether much trickier affair. She would quickly come to dislike him more if he pushed her too much.

L'Armin watched Nate curiously, though not very discreetly, while nurturing his own drink. When Nate had occasionally looked to the bar entrance to see if Cameron had returned, he'd quickly turned away and concentrated on his glass. He was unaware he'd been caught each time.

Since Cameron had left they'd waited in almost unbroken silence, allowing Nate the time to fully consider what L'Armin had told him. He still found it hard to believe that the Ring Beings were nothing more than a cover story; all one huge lie to conceal the ability L'Armin's race possessed. It was such a monumental achievement to have kept it going for so long. So why take such a huge risk by revealing it to someone only visiting for the weekend?

Even though telling him was surely a sign of trust, He'd grown concerned with how he'd found out. Had he pushed L'Armin into revealing the truth? If so would there be repercussions for his friend for telling him? Part of him wished he’d simply gone along with it and not questioned things at all. If he had they would be in the same position, except the secret would still be locked away under L'Armin’s watchful eye.

Only now was Nate beginning to grasp the severity of what he knew. The blindfold that had hidden the reality of the Ring Beings from him had been removed and he could finally see them for what they really were. But in doing so L'Armin had revealed his people’s vulnerabilities. He'd given up so much more than originally intended during their time together.

The one reassuring aspect of it all was the unspoken trust they shared. There was no doubt in Nate's mind that L'Armin and his people were his friends and they would do him no harm. His discretion was all they wanted in return. Knowing the truth meant he would have to tread carefully from now on. No-one else needed to find out, especially from him.

“Can I ask you something?” Nate said to break the silence, which was quickly becoming uncomfortable.

“Of course.”

“Why did you tell me the truth about the Ring Beings? I mean I'm grateful for your help and all, but why tell me?”

L'Armin wriggled in his seat. Either he'd become uncomfortable or Nate's question had surprised him. He looked beyond the bar and became still. After a short wait he nodded his head to no-one and then turned in his chair to face Nate head on. It was obvious he'd been silently communicating with others of his race again.

“I shouldn't have,” he replied. “My intention was only to help you find the killer. We are a peaceful people and have been for centuries. But I saw a way in which we could help you. A way in which our ability could be used properly.”

“Does anyone else know?”

“They do not. My people were afraid to tell you. They were afraid to help you as well, at first.”

“So what changed their minds?”

“I did,” L'Armin said. “I showed them the goodness in your memories. Apart from the destructive nature of your work, that is.”

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