Chapter 11

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Unlike before, Nate’s vision was completely comfortable with the sudden shift in brightness as he walked through another rift. He assumed his eyes were somehow becoming accustomed to it. It wasn’t until he was on the other side that he realised the real reason. The area he was entering was dark, much darker than he’d expected.

A light breeze brushed past him, bringing a tingle to his skin. It swished his clothes playfully as it continued on. The hot and uncomfortable air of before was now a distant memory.

He breathed in greedily, feeling the colder air rushing down and into his chest. In the background he could make out the faint sound of trickling water. It took him a little while to figure out where they were. They hadn’t appeared in his hotel room as expected, but somewhere else entirely.

To his left was the hotel swimming pool, its water slow but still moving. Beyond that he found the source of the trickling water sound; the small fountain he'd spotted L'Armin sat beside, on the first day of his visit.

It felt good to be back, like nothing had ever happened. He thought about continue his vacation in here instead of going back. The temptation to just pull up a chair, stretch out his tired legs and let the world carry on without him, was almost too much to resist. Someone else could look for the assassin while he sipped unknown alien cocktails.

Without meaning to L'Armin broke Nate's concentration and simultaneously shattered his hopes of relaxation with a misjudged entrance. When they collided Nate could saw how unsteady his friend had become. He felt compelled to offer an arm in support, which L'Armin took to leaning heavily against.

After a second or two he regained his strength and straightened up, his back slightly arched as he stretched. He then looked around to see what Nate had already. There was no surprise on his face, he had no doubt expected to arrive by the pool.

“You OK?” Nate said.

L'Armin looked up and nodded. “As I predicted, that was very much a challenge. I have not used my abilities in such a focused way for many years. It is more tiresome than I remembered.” He laughed between breaths.

Above hung the familiar sight of sparkling icy rings, cutting through the sky like a mesmerising glitter trail. It bathed the dark side of the moon in a comforting light. Its luminosity was still low enough to afford a sense of anonymity to its guests.

Nate took a few steps around the pool to see up to his own balcony, after first making sure his companion was sturdy enough to stand alone. Small lights around the pool guided him away from its edge as he sneaked about. As expected there stood a mirror image of himself, wearing the clothes he'd arrived in. But even dressed differently the sight was odd; a mirror image that was not mirroring him. Nate pointed to himself on the balcony.

“There, see,” he said.

L'Armin leaned against one of the pool side loungers for support. “Interesting. You appear to be alone.”

“I am, I mean I was. Helen had just left, so I had a drink while watching the festival being set up.”

They followed the direction the Nate up on the balcony was looking in, and saw the same process playing out in the distance. The busy workers dashed about intently, striving to meet whatever deadline drove them on. Behind them the large raised platform was slowly taking shape, with tiny sections waiting to be positioned correctly. It still looked like an unfinished pyramid—and would do even when it had been completed.

Although the area was a mess, it was gradually becoming the spectacle Nate had been impressed by. He could now see just how much planning had been done to make the festival work. And as with any rehearsed play, not one of those involved had missed their cue to perform. It had all been an illusion after all, just not quite the one he had expected.

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