Uchiha's lost treasure

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The sky was dark, lightning bolts hit the ground one after another. Booming thunder sounds blared from the sky, scaring little children hiding under their bed covers.

Maki Uchiha gaze at the sky, fascinated by the beautiful lines of the lightning bolts. He had always liked lightning storms, he remembered when he was a little boy, his mother would take him and his sister to Boruto's house. Naruto would told the children about their rivalry and he always told them about Sasuke's lightning jutsus.

Sometimes when he heard a great thunder from far away, he thought it was his father, fighting a threat to the village. But this one is different, it seems odd. The lightnings are striking in a very unique pattern, it always strike this one spot, either as a whole or just the branching electricity.

Is there a lightning rod there?

Or just a lost piece of metal?

He had a feeling there's something attracting those lightning, or perhaps...


In the hokage's office, Sasuke also noticed the unique lightning pattern. Suddenly, he felt something with his Rinnegan, like someone just passed through a portal or teleported somewhere outside the walls of the leaf village. Naruto recognized his troubled expression, he knew the raven sensed something, most likely connected to the phenomenal storm. "Oi Sasuke, you sensed something?" The redhead asked, "something, or rather someone teleported somewhere outside the walls. I'll try to pinpoint it's location" he replied. He sighed, focusing on the tingly feeling as he mapped the forest in his mind. 'it's around the storm..no...' he focused, it felt like a living being, it could be an Otsutsuki, but they never teleported like this, it's too flashy for a being with "superior" intelligence. It's not from the surrounding forest nor around the lightning, so there could only be one possibility.

"A living being, possibly the object the lightning is hitting" he said plainly. Naruto rub his chin "it's too dangerous to check it now and it's too risky to leave it till later. The lightning isn't striking anything wide range, I'll send some Chūnins to guard the perimeter outside the storm, you can take a look after the storm died down" Sasuke nod and left the room, his cloak waving behind him.


Maki jumped over the rooftops, his sister following him. The storm died down and he wanted to investigate. On his way, he saw his father going out of the village "Tou-San!" He called out. The elder Uchiha stopped on a rooftop as the two land beside him. "Tou-San! Your going to investigate that weird lightning pattern, right?! Take me with you!" He begged. Sasuke turn towards his daughter who shrugged "he dragged me here, though, I am a bit curious"
Sasuke sighed and nod softly, letting the younger Uchihas follow behind him.

They reached a group of patrolling Chūnins, they reported that there was a chakra energy emitting from the scortched crater, the smoke already cleared up but the hokage told them not to investigate it until the Uchiha came, for safety purposes.

Once he reached the phenomena site, he slid down into the scortched crater, his children following behind him. The crater wasn't so deep, but the middle of it was still smoking. He flapped his cloak over the smoking area, pushing the smoke away.

He was Sasuke Uchiha, he would be ready for anything thrown at him and he will be ready to protect his village and his family, but he was not ready for what he saw.
Shocked was an understatement, he was happy, excited. Yet, he felt scared and regretful.
He couldn't believe his eyes, yet he wants nothing more but to believe what he saw. His knees started to weaken, his children was shaken up when he fell to his knees. He reached his remaining hand to the object in front of him.
A young adult, probably in his mid twenties. His figure was strong but lean, shorter than Sasuke. His eyes were closed but he was breathing. His hair was raven black tied in a low ponytail and his skin was pale, similar to Sasuke's. He had a slight wrinkle on either side of his cheek that run from the bridge of his nose down to his upper jaw. He wore a dark cloack, a black unique necklace, black and white Shinobi sandals and black polished nails. On his forehead, was a leaf headband, but the metal carving of the leaf symbol was diagonally crossed, marking him as a rogue ninja.

He looked so familiar. Sarada analyzed the man before she compared him to her brother. There's not much difference. She could've swore he was the carbon copy of this strange man.
Sarada's eyes widened in realization. She remembered where she had seen him, an old album her father kept from his childhood. He was younger in the picture, but it's him.

The question is "how?"

This man was supposed to be dead!


"Y-yes, Maki?"

"Is he who I think he is?"


"So that means-"

"Yes Sarada"

Sasuke tried to keep in a stutter, it's hard, but he managed. Truthfully, he wanted to cry.
To cry on the body of a man he once wanted to kill so bad just for twisted revenge. The man who killed hundreds for the life of one, who accepted disgrace in the place honor, who accepted hate in the place of love, and played the role of villain, when he was the true hero of Konohagakure no Sato.

Just to protect his foolish little brother.

"He is your uncle.."

"Itachi Uchiha"

I don't know how to write this, I'm writing in my phone in the church, on Christmas!



Thank you for reading so far into my stories! Please give me some feedbacks so I can fix my mistakes and make these stories much more enjoyable for you folks!

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