Poor Sasuke

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We all know the powerful edge lord Sasuke Uchiha-sama!

*Cough* sorry, force of habit...

We all know the powerful edge lord Sasuke Uchiha, the 7th hokage's sworn friend and father to Sarada and Maki Uchiha.

Surely, spending time with his children won't be hard for him, right?

"Papa, you're really annoying today"

His daughter's words tore through him like a torpedo

"Oh c'mon Sarada, don't be so cruel. Tou-San wasn't with us a lot so he probably know nothing about us" and there goes another one.

'i know nothing about them!' the realization hit him hard. 'i don't know what their favorite things are, I don't even know what they do daily!' a depressing aura surround Sasuke as his inner teenage emo returned.
Sarada and Maki (1) sweatdropped as they watched their father sulk in the corner "I think we broke him" Maki mumbled as the awkward silence continued.

"Oh, Sasuke-san! Sarada, Maki, whatcha guys doing there?" A voice asked them. The turned to see Sarada's redhead teammate "oh, hey there, Boruto. We're just..... having family time, I guess" Sarada mumbled the last part "anyway, what are you doing here?" She asked back to her teammate "Mom wanted to go on a mission, so dad gave her a patrol mission. Leaving me at home to take care of housework since Himawari got stuck studying for the academy, y'know" he replied. Sarada already knew that Himawari wanted to enroll in the Ninja academy, but Hinata wanted her to be ready for anything, so Boruto's been trying to keep the girl from drooling all over the book pages every 15 minutes "she's probably already asleep, I'll just go buy some more kunai and shuriken, see ya later!" He waved goodbye before running off to Tenten's weapon shop.

The silence returned.

"I heard Naruto-San send a clone to his office, I think he's still at home. What do you say we visit and help Himawari with her studies?" Maki suggested only to be hit on the head by his loving twin sister"Maki! Stop addressing him as "Naruto-San"! He's the hokage!"
"I don't care! We've called him "Naruto-San" for years! Your just to obsessed with hokages! Besides, you know he's an idiot!"

'good job Maki"

"As if you're not!"
"Hey, being smart isn't really that important!"
"Who said?!"
"The writer!"

'don't breaker the fourth wall!'

Sarada sighed, not caring the faint shout of "MAKI UCHIHA!" From the angered writer and agreed with her brother "I guess it's better that having this awkward silence all day"

'awkward silence?!'

"Bye Papa, we'll be back before sunset!" Sarada bid goodbye


Sasuke was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard a woman talked about a new fruits and vegetables stand that had a really good quality tomatoes.

"I'll have my revenge, but first, juicy tomatoes are waiting for me" he mumbled

(1) imagine 12 years old Sasuke minus the arm-warmers and Itachi's ponytail.

For the note, in here, Boruto had been Sasuke's pupil a few days after he graduated the academy. They met the same way as the anime.

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