The End

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Everything was fine. 


I woke up to a bright white light. 

At first, nothing made sense, but then I slowly remembered the car being smashed by another. I remembered the sound of wheels going out of control. I remembered hearing the sounds of sirens howling as they got closer to the scene. I remembered hearing the sound of my family crying once they realized that I was no longer able to be saved.

That's when I knew, I had not survived the crash.

It's funny how you don't really know when the end will arrive. I thought I still had my life, yet, it was taken away from me anyway in the blink of an eye. There was no pain or suffering for me, yet the emotional pain and suffering took place with the rest of my family. There was no home for me anymore. I moved on, and they were trapped in a world where I was no longer around.

A year after the crash, they eventually found a way to move on in their lives. Christine continued doing well in school, and got a job helping people with terminal illnesses find hope. She stayed strong, knowing that I was always going to be with her in her heart. Christine was always the strong one, but through my death, she grew up.

Jake was a wreck at the funeral. The pain in his eyes killed me all over again. He kissed my cold forehead before the casket closed, and then came to visit my grave with my favorite kind of flowers and a little letter every tuesday. Sometimes, I was right next to him, and every letter was read. He missed me and told me to carry on. As for a relationship, he wasn't going to be ready for another one for quite some time, but even if he was, that was okay with me. I can't keep these people from their lives. I love them too much for that. 

My parents were the most emotional of them all, but eventually came to terms with my life and death. They wrote a book about it, actually. Every little detail about what I stood for and who I was. The book got published quite quickly with a major publishing house, and they went on tour in the summer with Christine to talk about it and help other young teens with terminal cancer. I became a symbol of hope. Prayer groups started up. They visited my gravesite every saturday, and one time, I even went the extra mile to visit them too. I may have only been a blurred figure, but they knew it was me.

As for myself, I'm doing fine. I suppose I could tell you all about life after death, but why would I? Life is all about mystery. Enjoy life and savor it, but never fear the end. Fear stops us from the future. After all, we never know what is to happen tomorrow, so we should all enjoy today.

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