Chapter 20: Why would you do this to her?

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"You ready?" Nathan asked as he approached Lila in the front of the school doors.

"Ugh no this is the end of an era! But at the same time I cant wait!" Lila said bouncing on the heels of her feet.

Nathan shook his head, "come on let's go the movie starts at 4:30"

The two walked over to Nathan's car.

"Are you ready for this? I heard it's a long movie." Nathan said entering the car.

"Do you know who you're talking to? I've seen every-"

"Did you seriously think you were doing this without me?" Bee said as she closed the back door of the car.

"Bee What are you doing here?" Nathan asked.

"Shh Nathan not now." Bee said and she turned to Lila. "Lila What the hell?! I thought we were a team, you and me and the years of watching superhero films."

"Of course we are a team bee, why do you think Calla told you about me going to the movies with Nathan?"

"You told her?" Bee asked in awe

"Hell yeah I did, my phone died and I forgot my charger at home, so before it turned off completely i was texting Calla so I told her to tell you, and I knew you'd race down to Nathan's car to find us." Lila said

"Aww so you didn't forget, I was worried that your guys's date would start changing our friend dynamic and you would forget about-"

"We're not dating."

"This is not a date"

Nathan and Lila said at the same time.

"Oookayyy then let's get this show on the road." Bee awkwardly said as she put her seatbelt on.

"You told her?" Nathan asked

"Yes. She's my best friend and we-" she said gesturing between herself and Bee. "Have been waiting for this for over a year so yeah if im watching this im watching it with her along with me."

Nathan shook his head and drove out the school's parking lot.

"Although I don't like you very much Lila, I'll admit that i respect your loyalty to friendship." Nathan said.

"Gee thanks." Lila said as she rolled her eyes.

'Remember who he is Lila don't let yourself fall.' She thought to herself


"Are you sure you're ready?" Bee asked

"I was born ready." Lila said as walked in the theater holding a bag of popcorn and a cup of soda.

"These prices for cup are ridiculous. 12 dollars for a large cup??" Nathan said

"It's not just any cup it's a cup that's avengers themed. Look! Look how it has everyone in the mcu!" Lila said gesturing to her cup.

"Plus why are you whining? Your the one who bought the tickets with the superheroes placed on it as a background instead of the normal white tickets." Bee said.

"These tickets will go towards my collection." Nathan said. "I've collected every ticket to every superhero film I've seen"

"Hmm not bad." Lila said

"Did you just compliment me?" Nathan smirked as he opened the theater door for them.

"Nope. I didn't say anything of the sorts." Lila said.

"Uh huh sure you didn't." Nathan teased.

Lila rolled her eyes as she found their seats. There were three seats, Lila sat in the middle, Nathan sat to her left and Bee sat to her right. Although it was the second day from the premier, the theater remained pretty full of people.

As the lights dimmed someone in the row above said "let's get this bread." Resulting in a couple of people laughing.

"I cant wait to see Thor!" Nathan said

"I cant wait to see Captain Marvel!" Bee said

Lila sighed "I can't wait to see iron man!"


"OHMYGOD" A sob broke out through the hallway.


"Holy shit." Bee said.

Lila let out another sob "WHYYY WHY WHY WHYYY WHY HIM WHY OH MY GOD-"

"Lila come one it's been ten minutes let's take you to at least cry in the car." Bee said in a soft voice.

"FUCK THE CAR! FUCK EVERYTHING! THIS ISN'T FAIR I HATE THEM! I HATE THEM SO FUCKING MUCH." Lila yelled as she continued to sob from the ground where she sat, while holding onto her avengers cup.

Bee looked at Nathan. "Look at what you did!"

"Me?!" Nathan asked

"Oh what Me?!" Bee said mimicking Nathan "Yes, yes you! Why would you do this to her?!" Bee yelled

"What the hell are you talking about? I didn't do anything!" Nathan said. "How was I suppose to know that they were going to k-"

"Don't!" Lila said. "Don't say it." She said looking up at Nathan with tears in her eyes.

Nathan knew why she was upset, he couldn't believe that they just saw either.

"Lila come on let's go home." Bee said grabbing Lila off from the ground.

The three of them walked out the movie theater in silence.

Nathan drove them back to the school after he asked Bee if Lila drove to school this morning.

"Bee can you drive us to my house." Lila said giving the keys to Bee.

"Yeah, I'll go start the car." Bee said getting out the car. "See ya Nathan."

Lila slowly grabbed her backpack from the bottom of seat and opened her door.

"You know.....i know it's obviously not your fault. I don't know why Bee said it was. I just...." Lila sighed as she stared at the door. "Um thanks for taking us and stuff." Lila said

"I didn't know how close you got to fictional characters. Im.....I'll see you around." Nathan said before she closed the door.

Lila walked over to her car and as Bee drove out Lila starred out the window.


Hello lovelies! Merry Christmas (for those who celebrate) And Happy Holidays!! I hope you all had a good day! The next update will come very soon probably next week.

Until next time xoxo

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