Chapter 19: says the giant tree

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"I think she's the one."

"Dude you danced with her one time." Emmett said.

"Okay not the one but definitely close. I don't know I just...felt different, the good kind." Nathan said as they walked down the hall to get to their lockers.

"So you danced one time and suddenly you're a Casanova?" Emmett asked while opening his locker.

"Who's a Casanova?" Bee asked as she approached Nathan and Emmett.

"Nathan here thinks he's in love" Emmett said

"Ugh don't use that word specifically." Nathan said. "I just thinks she's an awesome girl."

"Awesome?" Calla asked.
"Why would you describe Lila as awesome? What are you? Ten years old?" Calla said while typing on her phone.

Nathan chuckled, "I'm talking about Sophie where did you get Lila's name from?"

Calla looked up from her phone. "I-uh..." she looked at Bee for help.

"Nice going genius." Bee muttered

"Why did you think i was talking about Lila?" Nathan asked.

Callas mouth gaped open like a fish "Uhhhh-i "

"Hey guys, did you get the notes from yesterday's English class? I zoned out and didn't get the last few." Lila said as she approached the group.

"Lila I'm so sorry I swear I didn't mean to i-" Calla said

"Calla it's okay if you didn't get the notes..."
"Bee did you get them?" Lila asked.

"I'm still confused here." Nathan said

"Yeah and I'm sure that's nothing new." Lila said with a grin

Nathan made a face. "Excuse me?"

"Calla slipped and told Nathan the truth about homecoming." Bee said

Lila turned to Calla "Why would you tell him?!"

"You had one job" Bee muttered

"IM SORRY!" Calla exclaimed.

"Will one of you explain?" Nathan said.

"Not it"
"Not it!"
Calla and Bee said in unison.

Calla and Bee looked at each other and speed down the hallway.

"I'll take that as my cue to go" Emmett said.

"Wait-" Lila said

Nathan crossed his arms. "What the hell was that?"


"Looks I know I have some explaining to do," Lila said.

"Yeah that'd be nice."

"Although technically I dont have to. I could just leave you in the dark, there's no law saying I have to tell you..."

The Nerd Can Dance?? (currently editing) [ongoing]Where stories live. Discover now