From the Past

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So bare with me. This was gonna be the next chapter but now it is the first chapter. These ideas come to me randomly lol. Enjoy.

Amara finished the last sentence of her email to one of her investors and pressed send. She had been in the same spot on the couch for almost an hour, reading and answering emails as well as making phone calls. It was an eventful morning. Or at least an hour. Kate was at work, leaving the whole apartment to her.

She placed her laptop to the side and reached for her mug that was three-quarters full of lukewarm peppermint tea. She noticed her phone light up.

"Hmm." She picked her phone to see what it was.

Google Photos. Rediscover this day: October 1, 2009.

She shrugged and swiped open her phone. She relaxed back on the couch. She clicked the notification. An album of photos appeared on her screen. Her mouth dropped as she saw the photos of the past.


She hadn't recalled his name in years. She hadn't seen him in years. As she stared at the visuals, her mind's eye was a reel of memories filled with happiness and love. It was a cool day but he gave her warmth. His smile was opalescent and could brighten the darkest of times.

Then out of nowhere, it went downhill.

God, what happened?

Her eyes began watering, thinking of the last moments with him. Shuddered breath escaped her mouth.

Like a shot, her phone rang, snapping her out of her recall. Thor's picture appeared on her phone. She took a deep breath, gathering her bearings and swiped left.

She raised the phone to her mouth after hitting the speaker button. "Hey."

"Hey, babe. I'm off work. You do anything tonight?"

"Uh, no. No. Why?"

"I was wondering if you'd like to go out to dinner. There's a restaurant I want to show you."

"That'd be great except I'm not really feeling too good right now. I've got a headache."

"Oh, I'm sorry." The disappointment in his voice caused her stomach to flutter. "Do you want me to come by and bring something?"

"That's sweet but I'll be fine. I just need to hit the hay a little early. Raincheck for another day?"

"Of course. Are you sure you don't want anything?"

"Yeah. Thank you."

"Of course. Hope you feel better. Sweet dreams. Talk to you later."

She gave a faint smile. "Okay. Thank you."

The call ended. She sighed, rubbing the back of her neck. She placed the phone down, the pictures still on her screen.

"Great timing, Google," she said, disgusted. 

Learning more about the characters the more I write. Be prepared for next week. The last chapters will be posted. Thanks for reading. Comment. Vote.

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