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Awsten's P.O.V

New day, new me. Just kidding, it's my same, purple, boring self. But cute self. And feeling kind of confident self. Maybe confident enough to ask Audrey on another date? I'd have to figure out where, I can't wing it again, and I for sure can't bring her to McDonald's again.
"Where are we?" I ask Lucas.
"New York." He answers.
What could be a cute date in New York? We have a day off here today.
"Do we have anything tonight?"
"No." Lucas says.
I nod. If we had nothing, we could do something more time consuming. Maybe I'll do something with everyone then later pull her aside? Yea, that could work.
"We should do something then."
"Like what?" The blonde man asks.
"I don't know. I just want to keep myself busy."
"I don't know more than you."
"Hm. Maybe an escape room? How much is it to visit the Empire State Building?"
"I don't know if we'd have time for that. It's kinda far."
"What if we skip the escape room?"
He thinks. "Maybe."
I whisper a little yes. "I'll fetch tickets online then. So, no escape room?"
Lucas looks at his phone. "Unless we went now, no escape room."
"Make a reservation for that, I'll get the Empire State tickets and tell everyone to get ready. Jawn, Geoff, get ready."
"Huh, ok?"
"Otto!" I pull his curtain.
"What?" He asks, bothered.
"Get ready. We've got a big day ahead of us."
He grunts.
"Come on." I close his curtain and walk over to Audrey's. I knock on top of the bunk.
"Yes?" She opens the curtain a little and smiles, making my smile grow a little more.
"Get ready, we're going to do some stuff."
"What are we doing?"
"Something fun!" I walk away.

Everyone's in the lounge while Audrey's in the bathroom. Maybe I should ask them to leave us alone while we're up on the Empire State Building?
"Uh, guys. You know how Audrey and I went out the other night?" I half whisper.
"Yea.." Geoff and Jawn say, with a slight smirk.
"Is it ok if when we're up on the Empire State Building we could be alone a little?"
"Yea. You think you're ok for this?" Jawn asks, some concern in his voice.
"I don't know, I still want to try though." I softly smile.
The bathroom door opens and Audrey walks towards us, all of us just staring. She stares back.
"What are you doing? Come on, let's go, we don't want to be late to whatever!" She smiles.
"Yep, yep. Let's go." Lucas says, clapping his hands.
Audrey, who still doesn't wear shoes inside, slips on her docs and we all leave the bus and get to our Uber who got here 4 minutes ago.
Audrey and I were in the back, Jawn, Geoff and Otto in the middle and Lucas in the front. The escape room wasn't too far so we got there in no time.

We escaped! Audrey was great at finding all the clues but had a little trouble putting them together, thankfully I'm good at doing that. And there were the others too, I guess. I'm kidding- everyone helped. It was about 6pm now and our tickets were for 8. We walked to a nearby chipotle.

7:28, we jump into our second Uber of the night and head to the tall building. I'm nervous. We arrive and get in line. It was a weekday, so not many people were there, thankfully. We headed up in the elevator. Once up, we walked around inside as a group. We headed outside, where it was freezing and so darn windy. Jawn got a few shots and then I manage to sneakily pull Audrey away, the guys helping me out by leaving our side.
"It's so fucking cold, oh my god" I say.
"It's not that bad. The wind is way worse." She laughs.
"I hate both of them."
"You're such a baby. Oh hey, look there! That building's lights change colors!" She smiles, pointing into the distance. "So cool." She quietly says.
I look at her for a few seconds and take in her usual beauty, then turn to the building so I wouldn't get caught.
"Oh, yea!" I act surprised, but I already saw it a while ago.
We stare in the distance in a comfortable silence for a bit, peeking at her every now and then.
"Uh," I chuckle, "ok, this might sound weird."
She cuts me off. "Everything you say is weird." She thinks. She looks at me. "Not everything, but most things." She thinks again. "Some things, not most."
I look at her, confused. "Sure..." I collect every piece of self-esteem I had in me. "Can I... can I hold your hand?" I say that part a little quieter.
She looks at me with her lightly widened eyes. "Uh." She blinks a few times. "Sorry, I didn't know you were gonna say that." She chuckles and looks down, then back up. "Sure." She smiles, taking my hand.
I smile. As always, her hands were freezing, but it was understandable due to the place we were at.
"Are you sure it's... ok?"
"Yea." She gives me a smile, warm despite of the cold temperature.
I nod and get a little closer to her, our arms one against the other. We walked around the dock like that, pointing at some nice buildings every now and then and talking about everything and anything. We walked around every side of the building until we eventually met up with the others, where we unfortunately parted our hands.
We went back down the elevator, into our third and final Uber of the night. Same seats as always, but this time I sat in the middle seat of the back part, to be close to Audrey. I wondered if it bothered her, but my doubts were all brushed away when she took my hand in hers again. I looked at our hands then her, where my eyes are met by a smile, making me smile back. I gently squeezed her hand and looked away. As much as I'm probably not ready, I want this to be something.

Our driver left us a little further away then what we asked, so we walked a bit. Audrey and I were at the end of our line on the sidewalk.
"Tonight was fun. Thanks for bringing me along." She says.
"Of course! You really think we'd leave you alone on that bus?"
"Well..." She hints at that time she was sick.
"That was different."
She giggles.
"Yea, I guess. Wait, if we're in New York tonight and tomorrow, does that mean we're in Quebec after tomorrow?" She lights up.
"I... guess? I don't know, I'm bad at that kinda stuff."
"If so, that means I'm seeing my friends. And family." She smiles. "This is great."
Well, if I meet her parents, now would be the time to ask them if I can marry her. Haha, just kidding. Unless?
A/N - I know the dates don't match up with the actual tours at all but like idc I gotta keep this flowing somehow hope y'all don't mind

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