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Audrey's P.O.V

It was getting late. The only people still up were Jawn, editing his pictures, Awsten, who was probably on twitter or something, and me, pretending to be busy, when really just a bunch of thoughts were crossing my mind. Nobody seemed to notice I cried, but if they did, they didn't mention it, thankfully. Jason would for sure come back, who am I kidding. As much as I'm hurt, my mental state would make it too easy for me to fall in his trap again. I should look into getting some kind of help once tour is over. Tour ends before Christmas, and I'm going back to Quebec for the holidays to hang out with my family. Moving back to Canada is a thought that has crossed my mind a lot. I mean, I don't have many friends in LA. 2-3. 4-5 if you include Awsten and Lucas. I know more people in Quebec and my family is there. Most importantly, no Jason. But also, I don't want to go through all that trouble again. Maybe I could just move somewhere else within America. Like New York. It's close to home, too. Simple 6 hour drive. The sound of a closing laptop brings me out of my thoughts.
"I'm going to bed. Audrey, make sure Awsten doesn't do something dumb." Jawn says, getting up.
"Will do." I smile.
I go back to my computer screen, which only had a bunch of random letters on it from when I was pretending to be busy. I close that tab. Awsten gets up from his place on the couch and sits next to me at the table.
"Watcha doing?" He asks.
I shrug. "Nothing really. I have nothing to do."
"Seems boring."
"It is."
"We could watch a movie? If you're not too tired."
"Sure." I open Netflix.
"Ever watched the office?" He asked with way too much enthusiasm.
"Few episodes. I should continue it. Thanks for reminding me."
"Of course. We need more people of culture around here."
I chuckle. "What do you want to watch?"
"I don't know, maybe horror like last time?"
"Nah, I'm not feeling horror tonight. Had enough in these past days." I smile.
"Not a good joke."
"Yet it made you smile... anyways, I'm feeling something wholesome. And cheesy. You know what I mean?"
"Yea. Let's see... twilight?"
"Never say that again."
"Got it." He slightly giggles. "The blind side is wholesome as fuck. It's a true story too."
"Alright. Let's watch it?"
"Why not." He looks at the screen. "Wait, what is this?" He points to a movie. "Emo the musical?"
"Oh my god."
"Let's watch it? Look, the description makes it seem cheesy and wholesome. And emo." He smiles.
"Sure. Go close the lights." I say as I plug in my earbuds.

"That was... something. It was like, a little cringe, but also good? The music was good." Awsten says once the movie is over.
"Yea. And 'Jesus was an emo'? I now live by that." I reply.
"He definitely liked MCR." We giggle.
Awsten looks at the bottom of my screen. "Almost 1. Let's go to bed?"
"I'm not really tired yet. I'll go soon."
"Ok. I'll wait."
"What? No. Go to bed." I protest.
"No. I know that you're not going to sleep well, or that you might not even go to bed and-"
"I will go to bed." I interrupt him.
"Ok, but you might not fall asleep. My point is, I'll go to bed at the same time as you. I know you wouldn't want to wake me up if anything happened or you couldn't sleep." He takes my hand. "I just want to make sure you can sleep after tonight, alright?" He squeezes it a little.
I give him a smile. What did I do to deserve a friend this kind? No, I didn't friend zone him, I promise, it's just that if I used 'someone', it would've sounded like we were more. I think?
"Thank you." I say.
We sit in silence, just staring in each other's eyes. I finally turn away to my computer, thinking of what to do. I finally close it.
"Let's go to sleep then."
We get up and head to the bunk area. I grab my PJs and head to the bathroom. I quickly put them on and do a quick nighttime routine. I stare into the mirror. Usually, when you stare into a mirror, you see your reflection. Although, it's not what I'm seeing now. All I see is a weak girl. A weak, unhappy and pretty pathetic girl. And she has green at the tips of her hair. Maybe it is my reflection after all. I guess now I can see why Jason treated me like that. Maybe if I had just given him what he wanted...
Soft knocking at the door. "Audrey? You alright?" Awsten says.
"Yea." I grab my clothes and open the door, putting on the best fake smile I could. He knew I was faking, but he didn't say anything. He just hugged me. The man has perfect timing.
"Come on. Let's go to bed. To bunk. To bunk bed." He says.
I slide into my bunk. "Can I?" Awsten asks, pointing to my side.
"Yea." I squeeze in closer to the wall, making sure he has enough space.
He gently pulls me into his chest. As always, it's warm. I wish I could fall asleep like this and never wake up.
"Goodnight." He whispers.

I didn't sleep much last night. But for the but where I did, it was nice. Awsten woke up before me, yet he didn't move until I woke up too. I sat up, rubbing my eyes.
"Good morning." He mumbles from next to me. By the sound of his voice, I could tell that either he needed vocal rest, or that he was trying to fall back asleep.
"What... time is it?" He says tiredly.
"Uh..." I pat around for my phone. I eventually find it and look at the time. "6:27."
"Whaaat? I thought it was way later." He says, removing his arms from his face.
I shrug.
"I'm going back to sleep."
"Before you do, move so I can get out."
"Nooo. Sleep with me. I know you didn't sleep much."
I hesitate. His presence did make me feel better, after all. Maybe just for a little longer. I lay back down next to him. He holds me like he did before and falls asleep in seconds. It takes me a little longer, but I did end up falling asleep for another 2 hours.

"Hey guys, Chloe and Rory are visiting today." Geoff says, smiling.
"Great! I get to meet them, right?" I ask.
"Did you just say tight?" Awsten asks.
"Ah, crap. You're a bad influence!"
"Bad influence?"
"The worst!" I laugh. "But hey! I'm excited to meet them."
"Rory and I are excited to meet you too!" A third voice says, coming from Geoff's phone.
"Oh! You're on call! Sorry, I didn't realize. Hi!"
"Hi. Say hi, Rory." Chloe says.
"*baby noise*" The little girl 'says'.
"Awe, hi to you too Rory." I say, waving to the camera since it was a FaceTime call. "I'll see you later, I'm gonna go get ready. Bye." I smile.
"Bye!" I hear Chloe say as I start backing up from the phone.
Today will be a better day, I tell myself as I grab stuff from my bunk.

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