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Audrey's P.O.V

We had just finished putting all the equipment in the bus when Awsten pulled me to the side.
"So... should we go to McDonald's or something?" He asks, going back on our conversation earlier.
"Maybe somewhere where there will be less people? Just in case I break into tears."
"We could just sit in a park or something."
"Works for me." I say as he pulls out his phone to find a near one.
He looks back up, and approaches the others. "Hey guys, me and Audrey are going for a walk, will be back for bus call I promise love you muah!" He says real fast, then we start walking away, following his phone's directions.
Once we're there, it's obviously empty since it's late as fuck. We get a bench and sit there silently for a short moment.
"So... you still wanna do this?" He asks.
"Yea. You deserve to know." I sadly smile.

TW! I'm going to talk about many sensitive topics so, if you get triggered by anything, skip this part, I'll give you a little resume after.

"Jason and I were in a very toxic relationship. It started out sweet, but he was just that way so he could get me to come live with him in LA. I wasn't opposed to living there at all, I liked the city quite enough and I liked him too." Awsten took my hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "When I got there, he stayed 'nice' for a while, just while I settled in to make sure I'd stay. Then shit went down. He consumed a lot of alcohol and often came home drunk. He also did drugs every now and then, but never in front of me. Sometimes he even came back with girls, only to let them go when he remembered I was a thing when he stepped him, saying they were only giving him a ride. Which they were- in both ways." Awsten and I smiled at the remark. "And then it got worse. He wanted my body more than anything, which is a reason why he'd do others all the time, since I wouldn't give him what he wanted. Few times he took it too far and tried to... you know..."
"Oh my god. I'm so sorry." Awsten stops me. He gives me a hug while tears threaten to fall from my eyes.
"Well, he never got all the way to it, so it's fine."
"It's not fine." He looks into my eyes and I can see the kindness and sadness in his eyes. "Sorry for interrupting, go ahead."
"Yea so, he tried that. Often he would grab parts of my body with a really tight grip, leaving bruises. He slapped me and called me names as well." I blinked and a few tears fell out. Awsten wiped them away as fast as they came out. "I was too afraid to leave him. So I tried to convince myself it was ok and that some people have it worst than I do and blah blah blah. It worked for the most part. I managed to save up enough for an apartment and furniture, which I bought without him knowing, and then one night he took it too far again, then when I pushed him away he pushed back and hit me once more. It was the last straw. During the night I left."
Awsten rubbed my back gently.
"Back then it was bad." I continue. "I wanted to die. I never took action on it, I didn't want to do anything to myself. Those times made me realize that I was scared of dying." I let out a sad chuckle. "I'm just... I'm just glad it's over." I wiped my face on my sleeve.

TW over. Basically what happened is that Audrey told Awsten how her last relationship went down. Jason did a lot of bad things. But she managed to get out of it! :) yay! Now on with the book

"Nobody deserves to go through this. I'm so sorry you had to. It should've been someone else than you."
"Why? So someone else can have what I have?"
"No... because you deserve to be happy. You're just so positive and shit, it sucks that you had to be the one to get it." Awsten explains.
"Mm. So yea, that was how my first relationship went down. Yours?"
"Oh god, first too? That's even worst. And, my first girlfriend died."
"Oh no. That's bad."
"Yea." He giggles slightly.
"Bad relationships club group hug?"
"Bad relationships club group hug."
We hugged and stayed like that for a while. I was crying on his shoulder, thankfully he was wearing black so the small amount of makeup I was wearing had less chances of staining. I think? It was only eyeliner and a bit of mascara. We finally pulled back and I wiped my face again.
"Would you like a McDonalds ice cream now?" He asks, making me chuckle.
He smiles and gets up, offering me his hand. Once he pulls me up, he doesn't let go and we walk like that to the nearest McDonalds. We grabbed McFlurry's for everyone on the bus and I went to the bathroom to try and take the evidence that I cried away.
I know it'll get better. I mean, I've got great people around me, and I've never felt safer since I moved to LA. Once tour ends, we'll part but, Awsten and Lucas still live in the same area as me, so if they want to we could still hang out. I leave the bathroom and join Awsten.

"Please don't tell anyone?" I ask Awsten as we walk up to the bus.
"I won't. But if you ever feel like you want to but you don't want to do it yourself, I can."
"Thank you." I smile.
He smiles back. He has such a pretty smile.

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