Chapter Twenty-Two

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Omigosh! A double update! Idk I felt generous, soooooooo I decided to write. Also I opened an early Christmas gift and it was a stuffed animal puppy! His name is Beau and we are best friends. Also this is by far my favorite chapter, I think you'll enjoy. If you don't well... sucks to be you. And I managed to upload on time? WHO AM I? Jk I am Sophie if you were wondering. So sorry for all of the late updates btw, I hope this makes up for it <3

So yeah*ahem*let's begin. 

Chapter Twenty-Two



After the drama Saturday brought, we needed to keep our eyes wide open. Meaning Hunter and I had to keep an eye on Lily 24/7, and that's hard to do without looking like stalkers.

Not to mention Lily was running late to school today so that meant I didn't get there until 8:10. Meaning I was late for my first class, which threw my whole schedule off. Now it was the afternoon and I was late for class with Lopez.

"Carter, thank you for joining us," Mrs. Lopez said with her eyebrow raised. 

"You're welcome?" 

"Just take a seat Mr. Landon."

I scanned the room. There were two seats left. One next to Lily... and the other next to Abigail. 

Screw this, I don't care if things are awkward with Lily, Abigail is ten times worse. She once asked if I wanted to share her gum. Like the same gum she was chewing. 

I can't think about that right now. 

"Hey," I murmured, sliding into the desk next to Lily. 

She ignored me, that was normal. But it still kind of stung.

Mrs. Lopez continued teaches us gibberish, Lily was scribbling down notes faster than I could comprehend. I was a completely different person when I was at school, it felt weird. At least once December third rolled around and I unmasked Violet, I wouldn't have to wear that stupid mask anymore. At least... I didn't think I would.

I never though about what would happen after the fight... if Violet won. I wondered where she was. I hadn't seen her at any fights lately, she was probably laying low until the finals, that was my guess at least.  

Forty-five minutes of me barely paying attention later, the bell rang for lunch. I didn't sit much with everyone now that things with me and Lily were weird. I hung out with Hunter more. 

"Hey man," I mumbled, sliding into a seat in front of my best friend. 

"Hey," Hunter responded distractedly. 

"What are you looking at?"

I followed his gaze to Lily's table, where Jasmine was sitting next to, and laughing with River. 

"Sorry dude..."

Hunter shook his head. "I don't care. She barely even knows me anyway."

"I swear I told her about you, pointed you out. I guess..."

"I don't care Bla-Carter." Hunter closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Sorry, I'm just used to-"

"Everything is really messed up right now, you don't have to apologize."

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